arcgis.features module

The arcgis.features module contains types and functions for working with features and feature layers in the GIS.

Entities located in space with a geometrical representation (such as points, lines or polygons) and a set of properties can be represented as features. The arcgis.features module is used for working with feature data, feature layers and collections of feature layers in the GIS. It also contains the spatial analysis functions which operate against feature data.

In the GIS, entities located in space with a set of properties can be represented as features. Features are stored as feature classes, which represent a set of features located using a single spatial type (point, line, polygon) and a common set of properties. This is the geographic extension of the classic tabular or relational representation for entities - a set of entities is modelled as rows in a table. Tables represent entity classes with uniform properties. In addition to working with entities with location as features, the system can also work with non-spatial entities as rows in tables. The system can also model relationships between entities using properties which act as primary and foreign keys. A collection of feature classes and tables, with the associated relationships among the entities, is a feature layer collection. FeatureLayerCollections are one of the dataset types contained in a Datastore. Finally, features are not simply entities in a dataset. Features have a visual representation and user experience - on a map, in a 3D scene, as entities with a property sheet or popups.


class arcgis.features.Feature(geometry=None, attributes=None)

Entities located in space with a set of properties can be represented as features.

property as_dict

returns the feature as a dictionary

property as_row

converts a feature to a list for insertion into an insert cursor Output:

[row items], [field names] returns a list of fields and the row object

property attributes

returns the feature attributes

property fields

returns a list of feature fields

classmethod from_dict(feature)

returns a feature from a dict

classmethod from_json(json_str)

returns a feature from a JSON string

property geometry

returns the feature geometry

property geometry_type

returns the feature’s geometry type


returns a value for a given field name

set_value(field_name, value)

sets an attribute value for a given field name


class arcgis.features.FeatureLayer(url, gis=None, container=None, dynamic_layer=None)

The feature layer is the primary concept for working with features in a GIS.

Users create, import, export, analyze, edit, and visualize features, i.e. entities in space as feature layers.

Feature layers can be added to and visualized using maps. They act as inputs to and outputs from feature analysis tools.

Feature layers are created by publishing feature data to a GIS, and are exposed as a broader resource (Item) in the GIS. Feature layer objects can be obtained through the layers attribute on feature layer Items in the GIS.

append(item_id=None, upload_format='featureCollection', source_table_name=None, field_mappings=None, edits=None, source_info=None, upsert=True, skip_updates=False, use_globalids=False, update_geometry=True, append_fields=None, rollback=False)

Only available in AGOL

Update an existing hosted feature layer using append.




optional string. Required only when the source data contains more than one tables, e.g., for filegdb. Example: source_tabl_name= “Building”


optional string. The ID for the Portal item that contains the source file. Used in conjunction with editsUploadFormat.


optional list. Used to map source data to a destination layer. Syntax: fieldMappings=[{“name” : <”targerName”>,

“sourceName” : < “sourceName”>}, …]

Examples: fieldMappings=[{“name”“CountyID”,

“sourceName” : “GEOID10”}]


optional string. Only feature collection json is supported. Append supports all format through the upload_id or item_id.


optional dictionary. This is only needed when appending data from excel or csv. The appendSourceInfo can be the publishing parameter returned from analyze the csv or excel file.


optional boolean. Optional parameter specifying whether the edits needs to be applied as updates if the feature already exists. Default is false.


Optional boolean. Parameter is used only when upsert is true.


Optional boolean. Specifying whether upsert needs to use GlobalId when matching features.


optional boolean. The parameter is used only when upsert is true. Skip updating the geometry and update only the attributes for existing features if they match source features by objectId or globalId.(as specified by useGlobalIds parameter).


Optional list. The list of destination fields to append to. This is supported when upsert=true or false. Values: [“fieldName1”, “fieldName2”,….]


required string. The source append data format. The default is featureCollection format. Values: sqlite | shapefile | filegdb | featureCollection | geojson | csv | excel


Optional boolean. Optional parameter specifying whether the upsert edits needs to be rolled back in case of failure. Default is false.



calculate(where, calc_expression, sql_format='standard')

The calculate operation is performed on a feature layer resource. It updates the values of one or more fields in an existing feature service layer based on SQL expressions or scalar values. The calculate operation can only be used if the supportsCalculate property of the layer is true. Neither the Shape field nor system fields can be updated using calculate. System fields include ObjectId and GlobalId. See Calculate a field for more information on supported expressions

where - A where clause can be used to limit the updated records.

Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed.

calcExpression - The array of field/value info objects that

contain the field or fields to update and their scalar values or SQL expression. Allowed types are dictionary and list. List must be a list of dictionary objects. Calculation Format is as follows:

{“field” : “<field name>”, “value” : “<value>”}

sqlFormat - The SQL format for the calcExpression. It can be

either standard SQL92 (standard) or native SQL (native). The default is standard. Values: standard, native


JSON as string

Usage: >>>print(fl.calculate(where=”OBJECTID < 2”,

calcExpression={“field”: “ZONE”,

“value” : “R1”}))

{‘updatedFeatureCount’: 1, ‘success’: True}

property container

The feature layer collection to which this layer belongs.

delete_features(deletes=None, where=None, geometry_filter=None, gdb_version=None, rollback_on_failure=True)

This operation deletes features in a feature layer or table Inputs:

deletes - string of OIDs to remove from service where - A where clause for the query filter.

Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed. Features conforming to the specified where clause will be deleted.

geometry_filter - spatial filter from arcgis.geometry.filters module to filter results by a

spatial relationship with another geometry

gdb_version - Geodatabase version to apply the edits. rollback_on_failure - Optional parameter to specify if the

edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.


dictionary of messages

edit_features(adds=None, updates=None, deletes=None, gdb_version=None, use_global_ids=False, rollback_on_failure=True)

This operation adds, updates, and deletes features to the associated feature layer or table in a single call.




Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be added.


Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be updateded.


Optional FeatureSet/List. string of OIDs to remove from service


Optional boolean. Instead of referencing the default Object ID field, the service will look at a GUID field to track changes. This means the GUIDs will be passed instead of OIDs for delete, update or add features.


Optional boolean. Geodatabase version to apply the edits.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter to specify if the edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.

Output: dictionary

classmethod fromitem(item, layer_id=0)

Creates a feature layer from a GIS Item. The type of item should be a ‘Feature Service’ that represents a FeatureLayerCollection. The layer_id is the id of the layer in feature layer collection (feature service).

generate_renderer(definition, where=None)

This operation groups data using the supplied definition (classification definition) and an optional where clause. The result is a renderer object. Use baseSymbol and colorRamp to define the symbols assigned to each class. If the operation is performed on a table, the result is a renderer object containing the data classes and no symbols.




required dict. The definition using the renderer that is generated. Use either class breaks or unique value classificatoin definitions. See:


optional string. A where clause for which the data needs to be classified. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the dynamic layer/table is allowed.




The htmlPopup resource provides details about the HTML pop-up authored by the user using ArcGIS for Desktop. Input:

oid - object id of the feature where the HTML pop-up


property manager

Helper object to manage the feature layer, update it’s definition, etc

property properties

The properties of this object

query(where='1=1', out_fields='*', time_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, return_geometry=True, return_count_only=False, return_ids_only=False, return_distinct_values=False, return_extent_only=False, group_by_fields_for_statistics=None, statistic_filter=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, object_ids=None, distance=None, units=None, max_allowable_offset=None, out_sr=None, geometry_precision=None, gdb_version=None, order_by_fields=None, out_statistics=None, return_z=False, return_m=False, multipatch_option=None, quanitization_parameters=None, return_centroid=False, return_all_records=True, **kwargs)

queries a feature layer based on a sql statement Inputs:

where - the selection sql statement out_fields - the attribute fields to return object_ids - The object IDs of this layer or table to be


distance - The buffer distance for the input geometries.

The distance unit is specified by units. For example, if the distance is 100, the query geometry is a point, units is set to meters, and all points within 100 meters of the point are returned.

units - The unit for calculating the buffer distance. If

unit is not specified, the unit is derived from the geometry spatial reference. If the geometry spatial reference is not specified, the unit is derived from the feature service data spatial reference. This parameter only applies if supportsQueryWithDistance is true. Values: esriSRUnit_Meter | esriSRUnit_StatuteMile | esriSRUnit_Foot | esriSRUnit_Kilometer | esriSRUnit_NauticalMile | esriSRUnit_USNauticalMile

time_filter - a TimeFilter object where either the start time

or start and end time are defined to limit the search results for a given time. The values in the timeFilter should be as UTC timestampes in milliseconds. No checking occurs to see if they are in the right format.

geometry_filter - spatial filter from arcgis.geometry.filters module to filter results by a

spatial relationship with another geometry

max_allowable_offset - This option can be used to specify the

maxAllowableOffset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The maxAllowableOffset is in the units of outSR. If outSR is not specified, maxAllowableOffset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the map.

out_sr - The spatial reference of the returned geometry. geometry_precision - This option can be used to specify the

number of decimal places in the response geometries returned by the Query operation.

gdb_version - Geodatabase version to query return_geometry - If true, geometry is returned with the query. Default is true. return_distinct_values - If true, it returns distinct values

based on the fields specified in outFields. This parameter applies only if the supportsAdvancedQueries property of the layer is true.

return_ids_only - If true, the response only includes an

array of object IDs. Otherwise, the response is a feature set. The default is false.

return_count_only - If true, the response only includes the

count (number of features/records) that would be returned by a query. Otherwise, the response is a feature set. The default is false. This option supersedes the returnIdsOnly parameter. If returnCountOnly = true, the response will return both the count and the extent.

return_extent_only - If true, the response only includes the

extent of the features that would be returned by the query. If returnCountOnly=true, the response will return both the count and the extent. The default is false. This parameter applies only if the supportsReturningQueryExtent property of the layer is true.

order_by_fields - One or more field names on which the

features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering.

group_by_fields_for_statistics - One or more field names on

which the values need to be grouped for calculating the statistics.

out_statistics - The definitions for one or more field-based

statistics to be calculated.

return_z - If true, Z values are included in the results if

the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is false.

return_m - If true, M values are included in the results if

the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.

multipatch_option - This option dictates how the geometry of

a multipatch feature will be returned.

result_offset - This option can be used for fetching query

results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th). This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).

result_record_count - This option can be used for fetching

query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property. This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).

quantization_parameters - Used to project the geometry onto

a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.

return_centroid - Used to return the geometry centroid

associated with each feature returned. If true, the result includes the geometry centroid. The default is false.

return_all_records - When True, the query operation will call

the service until all records that satisfy the where_clause are returned. Note: result_offset and result_record_count will be ignored if return_all_records is True. Also, if return_count_only, return_ids_only, or return_extent_only are True, this parameter will be ignored.

kwargs - optional parameters that can be passed to the Query

function. This will allow users to pass additional parameters not explicitly implemented on the function. A complete list of functions available is documented on the Query REST API.


A FeatureSet containing the features matching the query unless another return type is specified, such as count

The Query operation is performed on a feature service layer resource. The result of this operation are feature sets grouped by source layer/table object IDs. Each feature set contains Feature objects including the values for the fields requested by the user. For related layers, if you request geometry information, the geometry of each feature is also returned in the feature set. For related tables, the feature set does not include geometries. Inputs:

objectIds - the object IDs of the table/layer to be queried relationshipId - The ID of the relationship to be queried. outFields - the list of fields from the related table/layer

to be included in the returned feature set. This list is a comma delimited list of field names. If you specify the shape field in the list of return fields, it is ignored. To request geometry, set returnGeometry to true. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter. In this case, the result s will include all the field values.

definitionExpression - The definition expression to be

applied to the related table/layer. From the list of objectIds, only those records that conform to this expression are queried for related records.

returnGeometry - If true, the feature set includes the

geometry associated with each feature. The default is true.

maxAllowableOffset - This option can be used to specify the

maxAllowableOffset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The maxAllowableOffset is in the units of the outSR. If outSR is not specified, then maxAllowableOffset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the map.

geometryPrecision - This option can be used to specify the

number of decimal places in the response geometries.

outWKID - The spatial reference of the returned geometry. gdbVersion - The geodatabase version to query. This parameter

applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer queried is true.

returnZ - If true, Z values are included in the results if

the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is false.

returnM - If true, M values are included in the results if

the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.

validate_sql(sql, sql_type='where')

The validate_sql operation validates an SQL-92 expression or WHERE clause. The validate_sql operation ensures that an SQL-92 expression, such as one written by a user through a user interface, is correct before performing another operation that uses the expression. For example, validateSQL can be used to validate information that is subsequently passed in as part of the where parameter of the calculate operation. validate_sql also prevents SQL injection. In addition, all table and field names used in the SQL expression or WHERE clause are validated to ensure they are valid tables and fields.


the SQL expression of WHERE clause to validate Example: “Population > 300000”


Three SQL types are supported in validate_sql - where (default) - Represents the custom WHERE clause the user

can compose when querying a layer or using calculate.

  • expression - Represents an SQL-92 expression. Currently, expression is used as a default value expression when adding a new field or using the calculate API.

  • statement - Represents the full SQL-92 statement that can be passed directly to the database. No current ArcGIS REST API resource or operation supports using the full SQL-92 SELECT statement directly. It has been added to the validateSQL for completeness. Values: where | expression | statement


class arcgis.features.Table(url, gis=None, container=None, dynamic_layer=None)

Tables represent entity classes with uniform properties. In addition to working with “entities with location” as features, the GIS can also work with non-spatial entities as rows in tables.

Working with tables is similar to working with feature layers, except that the rows (Features) in a table do not have a geometry, and tables ignore any geometry related operation.

append(item_id=None, upload_format='featureCollection', source_table_name=None, field_mappings=None, edits=None, source_info=None, upsert=True, skip_updates=False, use_globalids=False, update_geometry=True, append_fields=None, rollback=False)

Only available in AGOL

Update an existing hosted feature layer using append.




optional string. Required only when the source data contains more than one tables, e.g., for filegdb. Example: source_tabl_name= “Building”


optional string. The ID for the Portal item that contains the source file. Used in conjunction with editsUploadFormat.


optional list. Used to map source data to a destination layer. Syntax: fieldMappings=[{“name” : <”targerName”>,

“sourceName” : < “sourceName”>}, …]

Examples: fieldMappings=[{“name”“CountyID”,

“sourceName” : “GEOID10”}]


optional string. Only feature collection json is supported. Append supports all format through the upload_id or item_id.


optional dictionary. This is only needed when appending data from excel or csv. The appendSourceInfo can be the publishing parameter returned from analyze the csv or excel file.


optional boolean. Optional parameter specifying whether the edits needs to be applied as updates if the feature already exists. Default is false.


Optional boolean. Parameter is used only when upsert is true.


Optional boolean. Specifying whether upsert needs to use GlobalId when matching features.


optional boolean. The parameter is used only when upsert is true. Skip updating the geometry and update only the attributes for existing features if they match source features by objectId or globalId.(as specified by useGlobalIds parameter).


Optional list. The list of destination fields to append to. This is supported when upsert=true or false. Values: [“fieldName1”, “fieldName2”,….]


required string. The source append data format. The default is featureCollection format. Values: sqlite | shapefile | filegdb | featureCollection | geojson | csv | excel


Optional boolean. Optional parameter specifying whether the upsert edits needs to be rolled back in case of failure. Default is false.



calculate(where, calc_expression, sql_format='standard')

The calculate operation is performed on a feature layer resource. It updates the values of one or more fields in an existing feature service layer based on SQL expressions or scalar values. The calculate operation can only be used if the supportsCalculate property of the layer is true. Neither the Shape field nor system fields can be updated using calculate. System fields include ObjectId and GlobalId. See Calculate a field for more information on supported expressions

where - A where clause can be used to limit the updated records.

Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed.

calcExpression - The array of field/value info objects that

contain the field or fields to update and their scalar values or SQL expression. Allowed types are dictionary and list. List must be a list of dictionary objects. Calculation Format is as follows:

{“field” : “<field name>”, “value” : “<value>”}

sqlFormat - The SQL format for the calcExpression. It can be

either standard SQL92 (standard) or native SQL (native). The default is standard. Values: standard, native


JSON as string

Usage: >>>print(fl.calculate(where=”OBJECTID < 2”,

calcExpression={“field”: “ZONE”,

“value” : “R1”}))

{‘updatedFeatureCount’: 1, ‘success’: True}

property container

The feature layer collection to which this layer belongs.

delete_features(deletes=None, where=None, geometry_filter=None, gdb_version=None, rollback_on_failure=True)

This operation deletes features in a feature layer or table Inputs:

deletes - string of OIDs to remove from service where - A where clause for the query filter.

Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed. Features conforming to the specified where clause will be deleted.

geometry_filter - spatial filter from arcgis.geometry.filters module to filter results by a

spatial relationship with another geometry

gdb_version - Geodatabase version to apply the edits. rollback_on_failure - Optional parameter to specify if the

edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.


dictionary of messages

edit_features(adds=None, updates=None, deletes=None, gdb_version=None, use_global_ids=False, rollback_on_failure=True)

This operation adds, updates, and deletes features to the associated feature layer or table in a single call.




Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be added.


Optional FeatureSet/List. The array of features to be updateded.


Optional FeatureSet/List. string of OIDs to remove from service


Optional boolean. Instead of referencing the default Object ID field, the service will look at a GUID field to track changes. This means the GUIDs will be passed instead of OIDs for delete, update or add features.


Optional boolean. Geodatabase version to apply the edits.


Optional boolean. Optional parameter to specify if the edits should be applied only if all submitted edits succeed. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. The default value is true.

Output: dictionary

classmethod fromitem(item, layer_id=0)

Creates a feature layer from a GIS Item. The type of item should be a ‘Feature Service’ that represents a FeatureLayerCollection. The layer_id is the id of the layer in feature layer collection (feature service).

generate_renderer(definition, where=None)

This operation groups data using the supplied definition (classification definition) and an optional where clause. The result is a renderer object. Use baseSymbol and colorRamp to define the symbols assigned to each class. If the operation is performed on a table, the result is a renderer object containing the data classes and no symbols.




required dict. The definition using the renderer that is generated. Use either class breaks or unique value classificatoin definitions. See:


optional string. A where clause for which the data needs to be classified. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the dynamic layer/table is allowed.




The htmlPopup resource provides details about the HTML pop-up authored by the user using ArcGIS for Desktop. Input:

oid - object id of the feature where the HTML pop-up


property manager

Helper object to manage the feature layer, update it’s definition, etc

property properties

The properties of this object

query(where='1=1', out_fields='*', time_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, return_geometry=True, return_count_only=False, return_ids_only=False, return_distinct_values=False, return_extent_only=False, group_by_fields_for_statistics=None, statistic_filter=None, result_offset=None, result_record_count=None, object_ids=None, distance=None, units=None, max_allowable_offset=None, out_sr=None, geometry_precision=None, gdb_version=None, order_by_fields=None, out_statistics=None, return_z=False, return_m=False, multipatch_option=None, quanitization_parameters=None, return_centroid=False, return_all_records=True, **kwargs)

queries a feature layer based on a sql statement Inputs:

where - the selection sql statement out_fields - the attribute fields to return object_ids - The object IDs of this layer or table to be


distance - The buffer distance for the input geometries.

The distance unit is specified by units. For example, if the distance is 100, the query geometry is a point, units is set to meters, and all points within 100 meters of the point are returned.

units - The unit for calculating the buffer distance. If

unit is not specified, the unit is derived from the geometry spatial reference. If the geometry spatial reference is not specified, the unit is derived from the feature service data spatial reference. This parameter only applies if supportsQueryWithDistance is true. Values: esriSRUnit_Meter | esriSRUnit_StatuteMile | esriSRUnit_Foot | esriSRUnit_Kilometer | esriSRUnit_NauticalMile | esriSRUnit_USNauticalMile

time_filter - a TimeFilter object where either the start time

or start and end time are defined to limit the search results for a given time. The values in the timeFilter should be as UTC timestampes in milliseconds. No checking occurs to see if they are in the right format.

geometry_filter - spatial filter from arcgis.geometry.filters module to filter results by a

spatial relationship with another geometry

max_allowable_offset - This option can be used to specify the

maxAllowableOffset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The maxAllowableOffset is in the units of outSR. If outSR is not specified, maxAllowableOffset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the map.

out_sr - The spatial reference of the returned geometry. geometry_precision - This option can be used to specify the

number of decimal places in the response geometries returned by the Query operation.

gdb_version - Geodatabase version to query return_geometry - If true, geometry is returned with the query. Default is true. return_distinct_values - If true, it returns distinct values

based on the fields specified in outFields. This parameter applies only if the supportsAdvancedQueries property of the layer is true.

return_ids_only - If true, the response only includes an

array of object IDs. Otherwise, the response is a feature set. The default is false.

return_count_only - If true, the response only includes the

count (number of features/records) that would be returned by a query. Otherwise, the response is a feature set. The default is false. This option supersedes the returnIdsOnly parameter. If returnCountOnly = true, the response will return both the count and the extent.

return_extent_only - If true, the response only includes the

extent of the features that would be returned by the query. If returnCountOnly=true, the response will return both the count and the extent. The default is false. This parameter applies only if the supportsReturningQueryExtent property of the layer is true.

order_by_fields - One or more field names on which the

features/records need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively, following every field to control the ordering.

group_by_fields_for_statistics - One or more field names on

which the values need to be grouped for calculating the statistics.

out_statistics - The definitions for one or more field-based

statistics to be calculated.

return_z - If true, Z values are included in the results if

the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is false.

return_m - If true, M values are included in the results if

the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.

multipatch_option - This option dictates how the geometry of

a multipatch feature will be returned.

result_offset - This option can be used for fetching query

results by skipping the specified number of records and starting from the next record (that is, resultOffset + 1th). This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).

result_record_count - This option can be used for fetching

query results up to the result_record_count specified. When result_offset is specified but this parameter is not, the map service defaults it to max_record_count. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer’s max_record_count property. This option is ignored if return_all_records is True (i.e. by default).

quantization_parameters - Used to project the geometry onto

a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.

return_centroid - Used to return the geometry centroid

associated with each feature returned. If true, the result includes the geometry centroid. The default is false.

return_all_records - When True, the query operation will call

the service until all records that satisfy the where_clause are returned. Note: result_offset and result_record_count will be ignored if return_all_records is True. Also, if return_count_only, return_ids_only, or return_extent_only are True, this parameter will be ignored.

kwargs - optional parameters that can be passed to the Query

function. This will allow users to pass additional parameters not explicitly implemented on the function. A complete list of functions available is documented on the Query REST API.


A FeatureSet containing the features matching the query unless another return type is specified, such as count

The Query operation is performed on a feature service layer resource. The result of this operation are feature sets grouped by source layer/table object IDs. Each feature set contains Feature objects including the values for the fields requested by the user. For related layers, if you request geometry information, the geometry of each feature is also returned in the feature set. For related tables, the feature set does not include geometries. Inputs:

objectIds - the object IDs of the table/layer to be queried relationshipId - The ID of the relationship to be queried. outFields - the list of fields from the related table/layer

to be included in the returned feature set. This list is a comma delimited list of field names. If you specify the shape field in the list of return fields, it is ignored. To request geometry, set returnGeometry to true. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter. In this case, the result s will include all the field values.

definitionExpression - The definition expression to be

applied to the related table/layer. From the list of objectIds, only those records that conform to this expression are queried for related records.

returnGeometry - If true, the feature set includes the

geometry associated with each feature. The default is true.

maxAllowableOffset - This option can be used to specify the

maxAllowableOffset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The maxAllowableOffset is in the units of the outSR. If outSR is not specified, then maxAllowableOffset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the map.

geometryPrecision - This option can be used to specify the

number of decimal places in the response geometries.

outWKID - The spatial reference of the returned geometry. gdbVersion - The geodatabase version to query. This parameter

applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer queried is true.

returnZ - If true, Z values are included in the results if

the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is false.

returnM - If true, M values are included in the results if

the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.

validate_sql(sql, sql_type='where')

The validate_sql operation validates an SQL-92 expression or WHERE clause. The validate_sql operation ensures that an SQL-92 expression, such as one written by a user through a user interface, is correct before performing another operation that uses the expression. For example, validateSQL can be used to validate information that is subsequently passed in as part of the where parameter of the calculate operation. validate_sql also prevents SQL injection. In addition, all table and field names used in the SQL expression or WHERE clause are validated to ensure they are valid tables and fields.


the SQL expression of WHERE clause to validate Example: “Population > 300000”


Three SQL types are supported in validate_sql - where (default) - Represents the custom WHERE clause the user

can compose when querying a layer or using calculate.

  • expression - Represents an SQL-92 expression. Currently, expression is used as a default value expression when adding a new field or using the calculate API.

  • statement - Represents the full SQL-92 statement that can be passed directly to the database. No current ArcGIS REST API resource or operation supports using the full SQL-92 SELECT statement directly. It has been added to the validateSQL for completeness. Values: where | expression | statement


class arcgis.features.FeatureLayerCollection(url, gis=None)

A FeatureLayerCollection is a collection of feature layers and tables, with the associated relationships among the entities.

In a web GIS, a feature layer collection is exposed as a feature service with multiple feature layers.

Instances of FeatureDatasets can be obtained from feature service Items in the GIS using FeatureLayerCollection.fromitem(item), from feature service endpoints using the constructor, or by accessing the dataset attribute of feature layer objects.

FeatureDatasets can be configured and managed using their manager helper object.

If the dataset supports the sync operation, the replicas helper object allows management and synchronization of replicas for disconnected editing of the feature layer collection.

Note: You can use the layers and tables property to get to the individual layers and tables in this feature layer collection.

classmethod fromitem(item)
property manager

helper object to manage the feature layer collection, update it’s definition, etc

property properties

The properties of this object

query(layer_defs_filter=None, geometry_filter=None, time_filter=None, return_geometry=True, return_ids_only=False, return_count_only=False, return_z=False, return_m=False, out_sr=None)

queries the feature layer collection

The Query operation is performed on a feature service layer resource. The result of this operation are feature sets grouped by source layer/table object IDs. Each feature set contains Feature objects including the values for the fields requested by the user. For related layers, if you request geometry information, the geometry of each feature is also returned in the feature set. For related tables, the feature set does not include geometries. Inputs:

objectIds - the object IDs of the table/layer to be queried relationshipId - The ID of the relationship to be queried. outFields - the list of fields from the related table/layer

to be included in the returned feature set. This list is a comma delimited list of field names. If you specify the shape field in the list of return fields, it is ignored. To request geometry, set returnGeometry to true. You can also specify the wildcard “*” as the value of this parameter. In this case, the result s will include all the field values.

definitionExpression - The definition expression to be

applied to the related table/layer. From the list of objectIds, only those records that conform to this expression are queried for related records.

returnGeometry - If true, the feature set includes the

geometry associated with each feature. The default is true.

maxAllowableOffset - This option can be used to specify the

maxAllowableOffset to be used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The maxAllowableOffset is in the units of the outSR. If outSR is not specified, then maxAllowableOffset is assumed to be in the unit of the spatial reference of the map.

geometryPrecision - This option can be used to specify the

number of decimal places in the response geometries.

outWKID - The spatial reference of the returned geometry. gdbVersion - The geodatabase version to query. This parameter

applies only if the isDataVersioned property of the layer queried is true.

returnZ - If true, Z values are included in the results if

the features have Z values. Otherwise, Z values are not returned. The default is false.

returnM - If true, M values are included in the results if

the features have M values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.

upload(path, description=None)

Uploads a new item to the server. Once the operation is completed successfully, the JSON structure of the uploaded item is returned.


path of the file to upload


optional descriptive text for the upload item


class arcgis.features.FeatureSet(features, fields=None, has_z=False, has_m=False, geometry_type=None, spatial_reference=None, display_field_name=None, object_id_field_name=None, global_id_field_name=None)

A set of features with information about their fields, field aliases, geometry type, spatial reference etc.

FeatureSets are commonly used as input/output with several Geoprocessing Tools, and can be the obtained through the query() methods of feature layers. A FeatureSet can be combined with a layer definition to compose a FeatureCollection.

FeatureSet contains Feature objects, including the values for the fields requested by the user. For layers, if you request geometry information, the geometry of each feature is also returned in the FeatureSet. For tables, the FeatureSet does not include geometries.

If a Spatial Reference is not specified at the FeatureSet level, the FeatureSet will assume the SpatialReference of its first feature. If the SpatialReference of the first feature is also not specified, the spatial reference will be UnknownCoordinateSystem.

property df

converts the FeatureSet to a Pandas dataframe. Requires pandas

property display_field_name

gets/sets the displayFieldName

property features

gets the features in the FeatureSet

property fields

gets the fields in the FeatureSet

static from_dataframe(df)

returns a featureset from a Pandas’ Data or Spatial DataFrame

static from_dict(featureset_dict)

returns a featureset from a dict

static from_geojson(geojson)

Converts a GeoJSON Feature Collection into a FeatureSet

static from_json(json_str)

returns a featureset from a JSON string

property geometry_type

gets/sets the geometry Type

property global_id_field_name

gets/sets the globalIdFieldName

property has_m

gets/set the M-property

property has_z

gets/sets the Z-property

property object_id_field_name

gets/sets the object id field

save(save_location, out_name, encoding=None)

Saves a featureset object to a feature class Input:

saveLocation - output location of the data outName - name of the table the data will be saved to


*.csv - CSV file returned *.json - text file with json * If no extension, a shapefile if the path is a

folder, a featureclass if the path is a GDB

encoding - character encoding is used to represent a repertoire

of characters by some kind of encoding system. The default is None.

property spatial_reference

gets the featureset’s spatial reference


converts the object to Python dictionary

property to_geojson

converts the object to GeoJSON

property to_json

converts the object to JSON

property value

returns object as dictionary


class arcgis.features.FeatureCollection(dictdata)

FeatureCollection is an object with a layer definition and a feature set.

It is an in-memory collection of features with rendering information.

Feature Collections can be stored as Items in the GIS, added as layers to a map or scene, passed as inputs to feature analysis tools, and returned as results from feature analysis tools if an output name for a feature layer is not specified when calling the tool.

static from_featureset(fset, symbol=None)

Create a FeatureCollection object from a FeatureSet object.


A FeatureCollection object.


Returns the data in this feature collection as a FeatureSet. Filtering by where clause is not supported for feature collections


class arcgis.features.SpatialDataFrame(*args, **kwargs)

A Spatial Dataframe is an object to manipulate, manage and translate data into new forms of information for users.

Functionality of the Spatial DataFrame is determined by the Geometry Engine available to the object at creation. It will first leverage the arcpy geometry engine, then shapely, then it will create the geometry objects without any engine.

Scenerios ================= ====================================================== Engine Type Functionality —————– —————————————————— ArcPy Users will have the full functionality provided by the


—————– —————————————————— Shapely Users get a sub-set of operations, and all properties.

Valid Properties

  • JSON

  • WKT

  • WKB

  • area

  • centroid

  • extent

  • first_point

  • hull_rectangle

  • is_multipart

  • label_point

  • last_point

  • length

  • length3D

  • part_count

  • point_count

  • true_centroid

Valid Functions

  • boundary

  • buffer

  • contains

  • convex_hull

  • crosses

  • difference

  • disjoint

  • distance_to

  • equals

  • generalize

  • intersect

  • overlaps

  • symmetric_difference

  • touches

  • union

  • within

Everything else will return None

—————– —————————————————— No Engine Values will return None by default ================= ======================================================

Required Parameters:


param data

panda’s dataframe containing attribute information

param geometry

list/array/geoseries of arcgis.geometry objects

param sr

spatial reference of the dataframe. This can be the factory code, WKT string, arcpy.SpatialReference object, or arcgis.SpatailReference object.

param gis

passing a gis.GIS object set to Pro will ensure arcpy is installed and a full swatch of functionality is available to the end user.


Make a copy of this SpatialDataFrame object Parameters:


boolean, default True Make a deep copy, i.e. also copy data


of SpatialDataFrame

erase(other, inplace=False)


static from_df(df, address_column='address', geocoder=None)

Returns a SpatialDataFrame from a dataframe with an address column. Inputs:

df: Pandas dataframe with an address column

Optional Parameters:
address_column: string, default “address”. This is the name of a

column in the specified dataframe that contains addresses (as strings). The addresses are batch geocoded using the GIS’s first configured geocoder and their locations used as the geometry of the spatial dataframe. Ignored if the ‘geometry’ parameter is also specified.

geocoder: the geocoder to be used. If not specified,

the active GIS’s first geocoder is used.

NOTE: Credits will be consumed for batch_geocoding, from the GIS to which the geocoder belongs.

static from_featureclass(filename, **kwargs)

Returns a SpatialDataFrame from a feature class. Inputs:

filename: full path to the feature class

Optional Parameters:

sql_clause: sql clause to parse data down where_clause: where statement sr: spatial reference object

static from_hdf(path_or_buf, key=None, **kwargs)

read from the store, close it if we opened it

Retrieve pandas object stored in file, optionally based on where criteria

path_or_bufpath (string), buffer, or path object (pathlib.Path or

py._path.local.LocalPath) to read from

New in version 0.19.0: support for pathlib, py.path.

keygroup identifier in the store. Can be omitted if the HDF file

contains a single pandas object.

where : list of Term (or convertable) objects, optional start : optional, integer (defaults to None), row number to start


stopoptional, integer (defaults to None), row number to stop


columnsoptional, a list of columns that if not None, will limit the

return columns

iterator : optional, boolean, return an iterator, default False chunksize : optional, nrows to include in iteration, return an iterator

The selected object

static from_layer(layer, **kwargs)

Returns a SpatialDataFrame from a FeatureLayer or Table object. Inputs:

param layer

FeatureLayer or Table

param gis

GIS object

Returns a SpatialDataFrame for services with geometry and Panda’s Dataframe for table services.

property geoextent

returns the extent of the spatial dataframe

property geometry

Get/Set the geometry data for SpatialDataFrame


This operation combines two dataframes into one new DataFrame. If the operation is combining two SpatialDataFrames, the geometry_type must match.

plot(*args, **kwargs)

Plot draws the data on a web map. The user can describe in simple terms how to renderer spatial data using symbol. To make the process simplier a pallette for which colors are drawn from can be used instead of explicit colors.

Explicit Argument



required SpatialDataFrame or GeoSeries. This is the data to map.


optional WebMap object. This is the map to display the data on.


optional string/dict. Color mapping. For simple renderer, just provide a string. For more robust renderers like unique renderer, a dictionary can be given.


optional string. Determines the type of renderer to use for the provided dataset. The default is ‘s’ which is for simple renderers.

Allowed values:

  • ‘s’ - is a simple renderer that uses one symbol only.

  • ‘u’ - unique renderer symbolizes features based on one

    or more matching string attributes.

  • ‘c’ - A class breaks renderer symbolizes based on the

    value of some numeric attribute.

  • ‘h’ - heatmap renders point data into a raster

    visualization that emphasizes areas of higher density or weighted values.


optional string. This is the type of symbol the user needs to create. Valid inputs are: simple, picture, text, or carto. The default is simple.


optional string. This is the symbology used by the geometry. For example ‘s’ for a Line geometry is a solid line. And ‘-‘ is a dash line.

Allowed symbol types based on geometries:

Point Symbols

  • ‘o’ - Circle (default)

  • ‘+’ - Cross

  • ‘D’ - Diamond

  • ‘s’ - Square

  • ‘x’ - X

Polyline Symbols

  • ‘s’ - Solid (default)

  • ‘-‘ - Dash

  • ‘-.’ - Dash Dot

  • ‘-..’ - Dash Dot Dot

  • ‘.’ - Dot

  • ‘–’ - Long Dash

  • ‘–.’ - Long Dash Dot

  • ‘n’ - Null

  • ‘s-‘ - Short Dash

  • ‘s-.’ - Short Dash Dot

  • ‘s-..’ - Short Dash Dot Dot

  • ‘s.’ - Short Dot

Polygon Symbols

  • ‘s’ - Solid Fill (default)

  • ‘’ - Backward Diagonal

  • ‘/’ - Forward Diagonal

  • ‘|’ - Vertical Bar

  • ‘-‘ - Horizontal Bar

  • ‘x’ - Diagonal Cross

  • ‘+’ - Cross


optional string/list. Field or fields used for heatmap, class breaks, or unique renderers.


optional string. The color map to draw from in order to visualize the data. The default pallette is ‘jet’. To get a visual representation of the allowed color maps, use the display_colormaps method.


optional float. This is a value between 0 and 1 with 1 being the default value. The alpha sets the transparancy of the renderer when applicable.

** Render Syntax **

The render syntax allows for users to fully customize symbolizing the data.

** Simple Renderer**

A simple renderer is a renderer that uses one symbol only.

Optional Argument



optional string. This is the type of symbol the user needs to create. Valid inputs are: simple, picture, text, or carto. The default is simple.


optional string. This is the symbology used by the geometry. For example ‘s’ for a Line geometry is a solid line. And ‘-‘ is a dash line.

Point Symbols

  • ‘o’ - Circle (default)

  • ‘+’ - Cross

  • ‘D’ - Diamond

  • ‘s’ - Square

  • ‘x’ - X

Polyline Symbols

  • ‘s’ - Solid (default)

  • ‘-‘ - Dash

  • ‘-.’ - Dash Dot

  • ‘-..’ - Dash Dot Dot

  • ‘.’ - Dot

  • ‘–’ - Long Dash

  • ‘–.’ - Long Dash Dot

  • ‘n’ - Null

  • ‘s-‘ - Short Dash

  • ‘s-.’ - Short Dash Dot

  • ‘s-..’ - Short Dash Dot Dot

  • ‘s.’ - Short Dot

Polygon Symbols

  • ‘s’ - Solid Fill (default)

  • ‘’ - Backward Diagonal

  • ‘/’ - Forward Diagonal

  • ‘|’ - Vertical Bar

  • ‘-‘ - Horizontal Bar

  • ‘x’ - Diagonal Cross

  • ‘+’ - Cross


Description of the renderer.


A constant value or an expression that derives the angle of rotation based on a feature attribute value. When an attribute name is specified, it’s enclosed in square brackets.


String value which controls the origin and direction of rotation on point features. If the rotationType is defined as arithmetic, the symbol is rotated from East in a counter-clockwise direction where East is the 0 degree axis. If the rotationType is defined as geographic, the symbol is rotated from North in a clockwise direction where North is the 0 degree axis.

Must be one of the following values:

  • arithmetic

  • geographic


An array of objects used to set rendering properties.

Heatmap Renderer

The HeatmapRenderer renders point data into a raster visualization that emphasizes areas of higher density or weighted values.

Optional Argument



The radius (in pixels) of the circle over which the majority of each point’s value is spread.


This is optional as this renderer can be created if no field is specified. Each feature gets the same value/importance/weight or with a field where each feature is weighted by the field’s value.


The pixel intensity value which is assigned the final color in the color ramp.


The pixel intensity value which is assigned the initial color in the color ramp.


A number between 0-1. Describes what portion along the gradient the colorStop is added.

Unique Renderer

This renderer symbolizes features based on one or more matching string attributes.

Optional Argument



A symbol used for polygon features as a background if the renderer uses point symbols, e.g. for bivariate types & size rendering. Only applicable to polygon layers. PictureFillSymbols can also be used outside of the Map Viewer for Size and Predominance and Size renderers.


Default label for the default symbol used to draw unspecified values.


Symbol used when a value cannot be matched.

field1, field2, field3

Attribute field renderer uses to match values.


String inserted between the values if multiple attribute fields are specified.


A constant value or an expression that derives the angle of rotation based on a feature attribute value. When an attribute name is specified, it’s enclosed in square brackets. Rotation is set using a visual variable of type rotation info with a specified field or value expression property.


String property which controls the origin and direction of rotation. If the rotation type is defined as arithmetic the symbol is rotated from East in a counter-clockwise direction where East is the 0 degree axis. If the rotation type is defined as geographic, the symbol is rotated from North in a clockwise direction where North is the 0 degree axis. Must be one of the following values:

  • arithmetic

  • geographic


An Arcade expression evaluating to either a string or a number.


The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property.


An array of objects used to set rendering properties.

Class Breaks Renderer

A class breaks renderer symbolizes based on the value of some numeric attribute.

Optional Argument



A symbol used for polygon features as a background if the renderer uses point symbols, e.g. for bivariate types & size rendering. Only applicable to polygon layers. PictureFillSymbols can also be used outside of the Map Viewer for Size and Predominance and Size renderers.


Default label for the default symbol used to draw unspecified values.


Symbol used when a value cannot be matched.


Determines the classification method that was used to generate class breaks.

Must be one of the following values:

  • esriClassifyDefinedInterval

  • esriClassifyEqualInterval

  • esriClassifyGeometricalInterval

  • esriClassifyNaturalBreaks

  • esriClassifyQuantile

  • esriClassifyStandardDeviation

  • esriClassifyManual


Attribute field used for renderer.


The minimum numeric data value needed to begin class breaks.


Used when normalizationType is field. The string value indicating the attribute field by which the data value is normalized.


Used when normalizationType is percent-of-total, this number property contains the total of all data values.


Determine how the data was normalized.

Must be one of the following values:

  • esriNormalizeByField

  • esriNormalizeByLog

  • esriNormalizeByPercentOfTotal


A constant value or an expression that derives the angle of rotation based on a feature attribute value. When an attribute name is specified, it’s enclosed in square brackets.


A string property which controls the origin and direction of rotation. If the rotation_type is defined as arithmetic, the symbol is rotated from East in a couter-clockwise direction where East is the 0 degree axis. If the rotationType is defined as geographic, the symbol is rotated from North in a clockwise direction where North is the 0 degree axis.

Must be one of the following values:

  • arithmetic

  • geographic


An Arcade expression evaluating to a number.


The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the arcade_expression property.


An object used to set rendering options.

** Symbol Syntax **

Optional Argument



optional string. This is the type of symbol the user needs to create. Valid inputs are: simple, picture, text, or carto. The default is simple.


optional string. This is the symbology used by the geometry. For example ‘s’ for a Line geometry is a solid line. And ‘-‘ is a dash line.

Point Symbols

  • ‘o’ - Circle (default)

  • ‘+’ - Cross

  • ‘D’ - Diamond

  • ‘s’ - Square

  • ‘x’ - X

Polyline Symbols

  • ‘s’ - Solid (default)

  • ‘-‘ - Dash

  • ‘-.’ - Dash Dot

  • ‘-..’ - Dash Dot Dot

  • ‘.’ - Dot

  • ‘–’ - Long Dash

  • ‘–.’ - Long Dash Dot

  • ‘n’ - Null

  • ‘s-‘ - Short Dash

  • ‘s-.’ - Short Dash Dot

  • ‘s-..’ - Short Dash Dot Dot

  • ‘s.’ - Short Dot

Polygon Symbols

  • ‘s’ - Solid Fill (default)

  • ‘’ - Backward Diagonal

  • ‘/’ - Forward Diagonal

  • ‘|’ - Vertical Bar

  • ‘-‘ - Horizontal Bar

  • ‘x’ - Diagonal Cross

  • ‘+’ - Cross


optional string or list. This is the color scheme a user can provide if the exact color is not needed, or a user can provide a list with the color defined as: [red, green blue, alpha]. The values red, green, blue are from 0-255 and alpha is a float value from 0 - 1. The default value is ‘jet’ color scheme.


optional integer. If provided, its the color location on the color scheme.

Simple Symbols

This is a list of optional parameters that can be given for point, line or polygon geometries.




optional float. Numeric size of the symbol given in points.


optional float. Numeric value used to rotate the symbol. The symbol is rotated counter-clockwise. For example, The following, angle=-30, in will create a symbol rotated -30 degrees counter-clockwise; that is, 30 degrees clockwise.


Numeric value indicating the offset on the x-axis in points.


Numeric value indicating the offset on the y-axis in points.


optional float. Numeric value indicating the width of the line in points


Optional string. For polygon point, and line geometries , a customized outline type can be provided.

Allowed Styles:

  • ‘s’ - Solid (default)

  • ‘-‘ - Dash

  • ‘-.’ - Dash Dot

  • ‘-..’ - Dash Dot Dot

  • ‘.’ - Dot

  • ‘–’ - Long Dash

  • ‘–.’ - Long Dash Dot

  • ‘n’ - Null

  • ‘s-‘ - Short Dash

  • ‘s-.’ - Short Dash Dot

  • ‘s-..’ - Short Dash Dot Dot

  • ‘s.’ - Short Dot


optional string or list. This is the same color as the cmap property, but specifically applies to the outline_color.

Picture Symbol

This type of symbol only applies to Points, MultiPoints and Polygons.




Numeric value that defines the number of degrees ranging from 0-360, that a marker symbol is rotated. The rotation is from East in a counter-clockwise direction where East is the 0 axis.


Numeric value indicating the offset on the x-axis in points.


Numeric value indicating the offset on the y-axis in points.


Numeric value used if needing to resize the symbol. Specify a value in points. If images are to be displayed in their original size, leave this blank.


Numeric value used if needing to resize the symbol. Specify a value in points. If images are to be displayed in their original size, leave this blank.


String value indicating the URL of the image. The URL should be relative if working with static layers. A full URL should be used for map service dynamic layers. A relative URL can be dereferenced by accessing the map layer image resource or the feature layer image resource.


String value indicating the base64 encoded data.


Numeric value indicating the scale factor in x direction.


Numeric value indicating the scale factor in y direction.


optional string or list. This is the same color as the cmap property, but specifically applies to the outline_color.


Optional string. For polygon point, and line geometries , a customized outline type can be provided.

Allowed Styles:

  • ‘s’ - Solid (default)

  • ‘-‘ - Dash

  • ‘-.’ - Dash Dot

  • ‘-..’ - Dash Dot Dot

  • ‘.’ - Dot

  • ‘–’ - Long Dash

  • ‘–.’ - Long Dash Dot

  • ‘n’ - Null

  • ‘s-‘ - Short Dash

  • ‘s-.’ - Short Dash Dot

  • ‘s-..’ - Short Dash Dot Dot

  • ‘s.’ - Short Dot


optional string or list. This is the same color as the cmap property, but specifically applies to the outline_color.


optional float. Numeric value indicating the width of the line in points

Text Symbol

This type of symbol only applies to Points, MultiPoints and Polygons.




The text decoration. Must be one of the following values: - line-through - underline - none


Optional string. The font family.


Optional float. The font size in points.


Optional string. The text style. - italic - normal - oblique


Optional string. The text weight. Must be one of the following values: - bold - bolder - lighter - normal


optional string/list. Background color is represented as a four-element array or string of a color map.


Optional string/list. Color of the halo around the text. The default is None.


Optional integer/float. The point size of a halo around the text symbol.


optional string. One of the following string values representing the horizontal alignment of the text. Must be one of the following values: - left - right - center - justify


optional boolean. Boolean value indicating whether to adjust the spacing between characters in the text string.


optional string/list. Outline color is represented as a four-element array or string of a color map.


optional integer/float. Outline size.


optional int. A numeric value that defines the number of degrees (0 to 360) that a text symbol is rotated. The rotation is from East in a counter-clockwise direction where East is the 0 axis.


optional int/float.Numeric value indicating the offset on the x-axis in points.


optional int/float.Numeric value indicating the offset on the x-axis in points.


optional boolean. Set to true if using Hebrew or Arabic fonts.


optional boolean. Boolean value indicating whether every character in the text string is rotated.


Required string. Text Value to display next to geometry.


Optional string. One of the following string values representing the vertical alignment of the text. Must be one of the following values: - top - bottom - middle - baseline

Cartographic Symbol

This type of symbol only applies to line geometries.




optional float. Numeric value indicating the width of the line in points


Optional string. The cap style.


Optional string. The join style.


Optional string. Size threshold for showing mitered line joins.

The kwargs parameter accepts all parameters of the create_symbol method and the create_renderer method.

reproject(spatial_reference, transformation=None, inplace=False)

Reprojects a given dataframe into a new coordinate system.

select_by_location(other, matches_only=True)

Selects all rows in a given SpatialDataFrame based on a given geometry


other: arcpy.Geometry object matches_only: boolean value, if true, only matched records will be

returned, else a field called ‘select_by_location’ will be added to the dataframe with the results of the select by location.

set_geometry(col, drop=False, inplace=False, sr=None)

Set the SpatialDataFrame geometry using either an existing column or the specified input. By default yields a new object.

The original geometry column is replaced with the input.

Parameters: col: column label or array drop: boolean, default True

Delete column to be used as the new geometry

inplace: boolean, default False

Modify the SpatialDataFrame in place (do not create a new object)

srstr/integer the wkid value

Coordinate system to use. If passed, overrides both DataFrame and col’s sr. Otherwise, tries to get sr from passed col values or DataFrame.

Returns: SpatialDataFrame

to_feature_collection(name=None, drawing_info=None, extent=None, global_id_field=None)

converts a Spatial DataFrame to a Feature Collection

optional argument



optional string. Name of the Feature Collection


Optional dictionary. This is the rendering information for a Feature Collection. Rendering information is a dictionary with the symbology, labelling and other properties defined. See:


Optional dictionary. If desired, a custom extent can be provided to set where the map starts up when showing the data. The default is the full extent of the dataset in the Spatial DataFrame.


Optional string. The Global ID field of the dataset.


FeatureCollection object

to_featureclass(out_location, out_name, overwrite=True, skip_invalid=True)

converts a SpatialDataFrame to a feature class


save location workspace


name of the feature class to save as


boolean. True means to erase and replace value, false means to append


if True, any bad rows will be ignored.


tuple of feature class path and list of bad rows by index number.

to_featurelayer(title, gis=None, tags=None)

publishes a spatial dataframe to a new feature layer


Converts a spatial dataframe to a feature set object

to_hdf(path_or_buf, key, **kwargs)

Write the contained data to an HDF5 file using HDFStore.

path_or_buf : the path (string) or HDFStore object key : string

indentifier for the group in the store

mode : optional, {‘a’, ‘w’, ‘r+’}, default ‘a’


Write; a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted).


Append; an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created.


It is similar to 'a', but the file must already exist.

format‘fixed(f)|table(t)’, default is ‘fixed’
fixed(f)Fixed format

Fast writing/reading. Not-appendable, nor searchable

table(t)Table format

Write as a PyTables Table structure which may perform worse but allow more flexible operations like searching / selecting subsets of the data

appendboolean, default False

For Table formats, append the input data to the existing

data_columnslist of columns, or True, default None

List of columns to create as indexed data columns for on-disk queries, or True to use all columns. By default only the axes of the object are indexed. See here.

Applicable only to format=’table’.

complevelint, 1-9, default 0

If a complib is specified compression will be applied where possible

complib{‘zlib’, ‘bzip2’, ‘lzo’, ‘blosc’, None}, default None

If complevel is > 0 apply compression to objects written in the store wherever possible

fletcher32bool, default False

If applying compression use the fletcher32 checksum

dropnaboolean, default False.

If true, ALL nan rows will not be written to store.