
Title  Evaluate Rules by Polygon



When there is an active map, the Output Class will be added to the map during execution so progress can be monitored.


EvaluateRulesByPolygon (in_workspace, in_features, evaluation_types, {run_async}, {partition_class})

Parameter Explanation Data Type
in_workspace Dialog Reference

<p>A local geodatabase or feature service URL.</p>

in_features Dialog Reference

<p>The polygon feature class used to define evaluation areas. The extent of each feature will be used as input to Evaluate Rules.</p>

evaluation_types Dialog Reference

<p> Specifies the types of evaluation that will be used. <ul><li>CALCULATION_RULES &#8212; Batch calculation attribute rules will be evaluated.</li><li>VALIDATION_RULES &#8212; Validation attribute rules will be evaluated.</li></ul> </p>

run_async (Optional) Dialog Reference

<p> Specifies whether the evaluation will run synchronously or asynchronously. This parameter is only supported when the input workspace is a feature service. <ul><li>ASYNC &#8212; The evaluation will run asynchronously. This option dedicates server resources to run the evaluation with a longer time-out. Running asynchronously is recommended when evaluating large datasets that contain many features requiring calculation or validation. This is the default.</li><li>SYNC &#8212; The evaluation will run synchronously. This option has a shorter time-out and is best used when evaluating an extent with a small number of features requiring calculation or validation.</li></ul> </p>

partition_class (Optional) Dialog Reference

<p>The output feature class where results will be written. This can be used to track evaluation progress.</p>


Code Samples

