ArcGIS JavaScript API Heatmap Overlay

Download code.

San Francisco 311 incidents


This is a demonstration of a canvas heatmap overlay with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

View the Feature layer.
Toggle HeatmapOverlay
Toggle Points
Local Max Off
heatmap.js by Patrick Wied


This is a custom DynamicMapServiceLayer for Heatmap.js to work with the ArcGIS Javascript API.


  1. Include the heatmap.js in your HTML document and require "application/HeatmapLayer"
            <script type="text/javascript" src="src/heatmap.js"></script>
  2. Add a div with an ID to hold he canvas element
    <div id="heatLayer"></div>
  3. Create the heatmap with it's settings and assign it to a global variable.
            // create heat layer
                heatLayer = new HeatmapLayer({
                    config: {
                        "useLocalMaximum": false,
                        "radius": 40,
                        "gradient": {
                            0.45: "rgb(000,000,255)",
                            0.55: "rgb(000,255,255)",
                            0.65: "rgb(000,255,000)",
                            0.95: "rgb(255,255,000)",
                            1.00: "rgb(255,000,000)"
                    "map": map,
                    "opacity": 0.85
                }, "heatLayer");
  4. Add the heatLayer to the map.
  5. Now you just need to add data points to the heatmap. In the example above, I am adding features from a feature layer of 311 incidents. Here's an example with two features.
            var data = [
                    attributes: {},
                    geometry: {
                        spatialReference: {wkid: 102100}
                        type: "point"
                        x: -13625078.0408
                        y: 4548494.332400002
                    attributes: {},
                    geometry: {
                        spatialReference: {wkid: 102100}
                        type: "point"
                        x: -13625078.0408
                        y: 4548494.332400002
  6. I created a function that executes on map pan that gets all the features from a featureLayer within the map's extent.
    function getFeatures() {
        // set up query
        var q = new Query();
        // only within extent
        q.geometry = map.extent;
        // give me all of them!
        q.where = "1=1";
        // make sure I get them back in my spatial reference
        q.outSpatialReference = map.spatialReference;
        // get em!
        featureLayer.queryFeatures(q, function (featureSet) {
            var data = [];
            // if we get results back
            if (featureSet && featureSet.features && featureSet.features.length > 0) {
                // set data to features
                data = featureSet.features;
            // set heatmap data
