An envelope is an axis-aligned rectanglular box of another geometry or a set of geometries. It is not equivalent to a rectangle polygon in certain operations.

Envelope surrounding the Esri HQ

Valid Envelopes

All envelopes are valid since an envelope is a bounding box enclosing other geometry or set of geometries. The defining factor for an evelope is the fact that it is aligned to the axes. A 1-dimensional envelope is an envelope parallel to one of the axes while a 2-dimensional envelope is parallel to 2 axes.


Polygon bounding a certain neighborhood Envelope bounding all the geometries

Envelope class methods

In order to create an envelope, there are several methods defined in the Envelope class which require a different set of arguments.

public void createEnvelope(){

 /* One way to create an envelope is to specify the center point,
 *  height and width of the envelope i.e. the region it is supposed to cover
 Point center = new Point(0, 0);
 double width = 20;
 double height = 20;
 Envelope env = new Envelope(center, width, height);
 /* Another way to create an envelope is to specify the X and Y extents.
 *  xmin: Minimum X-coordinate, ymin: Minimum Y-coordinate,
 *  xmax: Maximum X-coordinate and ymax: Maximum Y-coordinate
 Envelope env1 = new Envelope(0, 0, 30.5, 30.5);
 /* In order to create an envelope surrounding a point,
 *  we specify the Point and its coordinates are used to set the extent of the envelope
 Envelope env2 = new Envelope(new Point(3.5, 4.4));
 /* Loading an envelope using a JSON String 
 MapGeometry mg = OperatorFactoryLocal.LoadGeometryFromJSONStringDbg(
 Envelope e = (Envelope) mg.getGeometry();

Getting an envelope for a given geometry

We can query the envelope that is bound by a given geometry using the queryEnvelope(Envelope e) method of the geometry's class.

public void getGeometry(){
 Polygon poly = new Polygon();
 poly.startPath(-117.192322, 34.057129);
 poly.lineTo(-117.191406, 34.057129);
 poly.lineTo(-117.192871, 34.055298);
 poly.lineTo(-117.193298, 34.055725);
 Envelope env = new Envelope();
 /* Now env contains the surrounding envelope for the specified polygon.