AppStudio for ArcGIS allows you to easily build native apps from existing web maps and templates for Android, iOS, Window, Mac OS X and Linux. You can also build custom apps from scratch with Qt/QML. Visit the help for more information.
In this lab, you will use AppStudio to build a native app from a single webmap.
Click this link to go to the AppStudio website.
Scroll down to the Map Viewer section and click start with this template
Sign in with your ArcGIS Developer or Organization account.
Download the images you are going to use to build this app.
Enter in a title for your app. For the Thumbail
image use the beerthumbail_200.png.
For the Launch Image
use the beerbackground1024.jpg.
For the App Icon
use the beer_glass_icon_256.png.
Click ` Map Viewer Settings and for the
Start Background Image use beerbackground1024.jpg. Click
Start Button` and use brewerybutton.png.
Click Choose Web Map(s)
, choose the Public
tab, and in search type geodev breweries colorado
. Click the Breweries in Colorado
webmap. Click OK
and Save and Finish
To view your app before you build the binaries for your plaform of choice you can use AppStudio Player for ArcGIS. Players are available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android here. If you have a device that supports one of these operating systems go ahead and download it.
Open AppStudio Player and Sign In
to view your apps. Select the app you just created and select Yes
to download the selected app to your device. Once the download is complete click OK
. Select the app again and you now have that app running in AppStudio Player.
You are now ready to deploy your native app
Click this link to go to the AppStudio website.
Click Sign In
> click My Apps
> click your app > click Build App
> select the plaforms you want to build your app for (e.g., Windows x86(32 bit) or Mac OS)
> click Build
Once the build is completed. Click Download
to install your app.
My Content
> My Apps
license. However, you can still build and play these customized apps without a paid license. See here for more details.