
Client-side Buffer

In this lab you will use the GeometryEngine to buffer around Rail Stops in the browser.

You will add an interactive slider and a feedback label to the UI that will be used when changing the size of the buffer.

  1. Click create_starter_map/index.html and copy the contents to a new

  2. In JSBin > HTML, add the buffer UI div element and its contents:

       <!-- ADD new div for the buffer range UI -->
       <div id="bufferUI">
         <div id="bufferSlider"></div>
         <div id="bufferDistance">1</div>
       <div id="mapDiv"></div>
  3. At the top of the page, add CSS to the main style tag to display the buffer range UI:

       html,body,#mapDiv {
       /* ADD buffer slider styling */
       #bufferUI {
         position: absolute;
         top: 20px;
         right: 20px;
         width: 200px;
         z-index: 1000;
         padding: 10px;
         background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
       #bufferDistance {
         color: white;
         font-family: sans-serif;
         height: 1.5em;
         padding-top: 0.4em;
         margin-top: 10px;
         margin-left: auto;
         margin-right: auto;
         width: 50%;
         text-align: center;
  4. Add a reference to a Dojo CSS Theme (claro), and configure the body tag to use it:

     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
     <!-- ADD a link to the Claro Dojo theme's CSS -->
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
     <!-- ADD "claro" as the class of the body tag -->
     <body class="claro">
  5. Update the require statement and function definition:

              // ADD modules
       // ADD aliases
                HorizontalSlider,dom) {
  6. Add a FeatureLayer for the Rail Stops and a GraphicsLayer to display the calculated buffers. Optionally modify the map to initialize at zoom level 12:

              SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, Color,
              HorizontalSlider,dom,array) {
       map = new Map("mapDiv", {
         center: [-122.68, 45.52],
         // OPTIONAL Change the initial zoom to 12
         zoom: 12,
         basemap: "dark-gray"
       // ADD Create layers and add them to the map
       var bufferLayer = new GraphicsLayer(),
           stopsLayer = new FeatureLayer("", {
             mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT
       map.addLayers([bufferLayer, stopsLayer]);
  7. Create functions to update the UI and generate a buffer:

     // ADD Create a symbol to display the buffers
     var bufferDistance = 0.5,
         bufferSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
                          new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([110,110,110]), 1),
                        new Color([0,100,255,0.4]));
     // ADD A function to buffer the Rail Stops
     function bufferStops(miles) {
       var stopGeoms = graphicsUtils.getGeometries(;
       geometryEngineAsync.union(stopGeoms).then(function (stops) {
         geometryEngineAsync.geodesicBuffer(stops, miles, 9035).then(function (totalBuffer) {
           bufferLayer.add(new Graphic(totalBuffer, bufferSymbol));
     // ADD A function to update the UI text
     function setBufferDisplay(newValue) {
       var roundedValue = parseFloat(newValue).toFixed(2),
           unit = roundedValue == 1.0?"mile":"miles";
       dom.byId("bufferDistance").innerText = roundedValue + " " + unit;
       bufferDistance = roundedValue;
  8. Create the Horizontal Slider and initialize the UI:

     // ADD Create a variable to track the current buffer size, and a Dojo HorizontalSlider to control this. Set the slider to update the current buffer range display and also to generate a new buffer when the mouse is released.
     var slider = new HorizontalSlider({
       value: bufferDistance,
       minimum: 0.25,
       maximum: 5,
       intermediateChanges: true,
       showButtons: false,
       onChange: function(value) {
       onMouseUp: function () {
     }, "bufferSlider").startup();
     // ADD Initialize the buffer UI and ensure that when the Rail Stops layer has initially loaded data, that a buffer is generated.
     stopsLayer.on('update-end', function() {
  9. In JSBin, run the app > Drag or click on the slider at the top-right to pick a buffer size in Miles. When dragging, buffer will not be calculated until you finish dragging.

Your app should look something like this:
