
Client-side Buffer

In this lab you will use the GeometryEngine to buffer around Rail Stops in the browser by a fixed amount.

  1. Click create_starter_map/index.html and copy the contents to a new

  2. Update the require statement and function definition:

    /*** ADD ***/
  ], function(Map, MapView, 
              GraphicsLayer, FeatureLayer, Graphic, SimpleFillSymbol, geometryEngineAsync) {
  1. Add the Styled Rail Stops and a Graphics Layer to display the calculated buffers. Optionally modify the map to initialize at zoom level 12 to see the half-mile buffers more easily:

    var view = new MapView({
      container: "viewDiv",
      map: map,
      center: [-122.68, 45.52],
      zoom: 12

    /*** ADD ***/

    // Create a GraphicsLayer to show the calculated buffer, and a FeatureLayer for the buffer source data
    // (Rail Stops).
    var bufferLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
    var stopsLayer = new FeatureLayer({
      url : ""

    // Add these layers to the map with the buffer layer below the stops layer.
    map.addMany([bufferLayer, stopsLayer]);
  1. Next create a buffer symbol to be used to display the buffers on the map.
    /*** ADD ***/

    // Configure the output buffer
    var bufferSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol({
      color: [0,100,255,0.4],
      style: "solid",
      outline: {
        color: [110,110,110],
        width: 1
  1. Lastly we’ll wait for the Rail Stops data to load and then calculate and display a buffer.
    /*** ADD ***/

    // Buffer the view's contents
    view.whenLayerView(stopsLayer).then(function(stopsLayerView) {"updating", function(isUpdating) {
        if (!isUpdating) {
          // The Layer View *was* updating and now isn't. Let's buffer the data.
          stopsLayerView.queryFeatures().then(function(stopGraphics) {
            // We need geometries, not graphics for the buffer operation
            var stops = {
              return stopGraphic.geometry;
            // Buffer and union all the points in the layer view
            geometryEngineAsync.geodesicBuffer(stops, 0.5, "miles", true).then(function(totalBuffer) {
              // Display the single unioned buffer on the map.
              bufferLayer.add(new Graphic({
                geometry: totalBuffer[0],
                symbol: bufferSymbol
  1. In JSBin, run the app > When the stops have loaded, a 0.5 mile buffer will be calculated around them and added to the map.

Your app should look something like this:
