
Import Data

ArcGIS Online allows you to import a wide variety of data types into the cloud. Each dataset is added as hosted web layer that can be accessed later by apps and APIs.

In this lab you will use Add items to import data into your account.


  1. Download and unzip the data.

  2. Go to and login.

  3. Click My Content > Add Items to import each dataset into your account. Make sure the box is checked that publishes each dataset as a feature service. It is optional but try to group the datasets in folders. e.g.

 * PDX_Rail_Lines.geojson
 * PDX_Rail_Stops.csv
  1. View each dataset and make sure it has proper tags, description and attribution. Edit if necessary.


note: ArcGIS Online supports a wide variety of file uploads, but only a select few can be used to publish hosted feature services