
Extract walkable areas

In ArcGIS Online, you can use analyses to overlay and extract data that overlaps geographically by using the Map Viewer and .

In this lab you will take overlay the 0.5 mile walking disances with neighborhoods to extract the data that meets this critera.


  1. Go to and login.

  2. Click Map.

  3. Click Add > Search for Layers > In: ArcGIS Online.

    1. Search for:

       PDX_Rail_Stops_Walk_Time_15_Minutes (by al_geodev)
       PDX_Neighborhoods_Enriched (by al_geodev)
    2. Add the layers.

  4. Click PDX_Rail_Stops_Walk_Time_15_Minutes > Perform Analysis > Manage Data > Overlay Layers.

    1. Choose Intersect.

    2. Result layer name PDX_Walkable_Neighborhoods.

    3. Run Analysis.

  5. Turn off the other layers and just inspect the results.

Your map should look something like this map.