Esri Leaflet
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Clustered Feature Layer

Visualize feature layers using clustering with the help of Leaflet.markercluster.


Includes a search box control you can add to your map, as well as low level tools for making geocoding requests.

Heatmap Feature Layer

Visualize feature layers with heatmaps via Leaflet.heat.


Ensure that symbology defined by ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Online for feature layers is inherited in Leaflet.


Generic, fixed size, shape marker symbols for points in Leaflet.

Vector Tiles

Visualize vector tiles from ArcGIS Online


Canvas Flowmap Layer

Plugin for mapping flow with Bezier curves rendered on HTML Canvas.

Dynamic Map Layer

A more advanced DynamicMapLayer implementation that includes support for continuous panning across the dateline.


Plugin to assist in working with ArcGIS Geoprocessing Services.

Leaflet Routing Machine

Plugin that enables walk, drive and truck routing using Esri's hosted service.


Plugin for retrieving map service legends.

Related Records

Plugin to assist in querying ArcGIS Services for related records.

Stream Feature Layer

Plugin for displaying Stream layers published to ArcGIS Server using GeoEvent.


Plugin for loading Web maps created in ArcGIS using their id.