A Responsive HTML, CSS, and JS Framework for Esri
Current Version | 1.2.5 |
Size | 222KB |
Size (Gzipped) | 25KB |
Last Update | October 13, 2023 |
Calcite Web is a branded CSS & JavaScript framework, web style guide, and visual design system for Esri. You can use Calcite Web to quickly build on-brand, lightweight, and accessible websites. The robust codebase is well supported, steadily maintained, and always being improved.
Calcite Web has everything you need to quickly build excellent web experiences and a collection of extensions that enable specific use cases like marketing pages and e-commerce.
Use Calcite Web from your favorite package manager, or download it to self-host the files.
Small, reusable elements in a design like buttons, dropdowns, and tooltips
Larger design patterns like navigation, tabs, and accordions
Iconography for both social media and user interfaces
Fully responsive, twenty-four column grid for layout
Type styles, size, color, and helpful modifier classes
Simplified Esri color pallette available as Sass variables
Using Calcite Web's design patterns is as easy as copy paste. The Quickstart Guide explains how to include the framework in your project, lay out basic page structures with the grid system, and use the UI Patterns to present content.
Read the Quickstart GuideCalcite Web has all the building blocks you need to create most projects, but sometimes you might need a little extra. This is why we've created a set of extensions to Calcite Web to handle situations like e-commerce and splashy marketing pages. Just include a line of CSS, and start working from the examples.