Source code for arcresthelper.orgtools

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from .securityhandlerhelper import securityhandlerhelper

dateTimeFormat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
import arcrest
from arcrest.agol import FeatureLayer
from arcrest.agol import FeatureService
from arcrest.hostedservice import AdminFeatureService
import datetime, time
import json
import os
from . import common
import gc

[docs]def trace(): """Determines information about where an error was thrown. Returns: tuple: line number, filename, error message Examples: >>> try: ... 1/0 ... except: ... print("Error on '{}'\\nin file '{}'\\nwith error '{}'".format(*trace())) ... Error on 'line 1234' in file 'C:\\foo\\' with error 'ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero' """ import traceback, inspect, sys tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] filename = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()) # script name + line number line = tbinfo.split(", ")[1] # Get Python syntax error # synerror = traceback.format_exc().splitlines()[-1] return line, filename, synerror
[docs]class orgtools(securityhandlerhelper): #----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def shareItemsToGroup(self, shareToGroupName, items=None, groups=None): """Share already published items with a group(s). Args: shareToGroupName (list): The name of the group(s) with which the item(s) will be shared. items (list): The item(s) that will be shared, referenced by their ID. Defaults to ``None``. groups (list): The group(s) whose content will be shared, referenced by their ID. Defaults to ``None``. Notes: If you want to share with a single group, ``shareToGroupName`` can be passed as a ``str``. """ admin = None userCommunity = None group_ids = None results = None item = None res = None group = None groupContent = None result = None try: admin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(securityHandler=self._securityHandler) userCommunity = group_ids = userCommunity.getGroupIDs(groupNames=shareToGroupName) results = [] if not items is None: for item in items: item = admin.content.getItem(itemId = item) res = item.shareItem(",".join(group_ids),everyone=False,org=False) if 'error' in res: print (res) else: print ("'%s' shared with '%s'" % (item.title,shareToGroupName)) results.append(res) if not groups is None: for groupId in groups: group = if group is None: print ("Group with ID {0} was not found".format(groupId)) elif group.hasError() == True: print ("Group with ID {0} returned the following error {1}".format(groupId,group.error)) else: for itemJSON in group.items: if 'id' in itemJSON: item = admin.content.getItem(itemId = itemJSON['id']) res = item.shareItem(",".join(group_ids),everyone=False,org=False) if 'error' in res: print (res) elif res.get('notSharedWith', []): print ("'%s' shared with '%s', not Shared With '%s'" % \ (item.title,shareToGroupName,",".join(res['notSharedWith']))) else: print ("'%s' shared with '%s'" % (item.title,shareToGroupName)) results.append(res) except: line, filename, synerror = trace() raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "shareItemsToGroup", "line": line, "filename": filename, "synerror": synerror, } ) finally: admin = None userCommunity = None group_ids = None item = None res = None group = None groupContent = None result = None del admin del userCommunity del group_ids del item del res del group del groupContent del result gc.collect()
[docs] def getGroupContentItems(self, groupName): """Gets all the items owned by a group(s). Args: groupName (list): The name of the group(s) from which to get items. Returns: list: A list of items belonging to the group(s). Notes: If you want to get items from a single group, ``groupName`` can be passed as a :py:obj:`str`. See Also: :py:func:`getGroupContent` for retrieving all content, not just items. """ admin = None userCommunity = None groupIds = None groupId = None groupContent = None result = None item = None items = [] try: admin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(securityHandler=self._securityHandler) userCommunity = groupIds = userCommunity.getGroupIDs(groupNames=groupName) #groupContent = admin.query(q="group:" + group_ids , bbox=None, start=1, num=100, sortField=None, #sortOrder="asc") if not groupIds is None: for groupId in groupIds: groupContent = admin.content.groupContent(groupId=groupId) if 'error' in groupContent: print (groupContent) else: for result in groupContent['items']: item = admin.content.getItem(itemId = result['id']) items.append(item) return items except: line, filename, synerror = trace() raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "getGroupContent", "line": line, "filename": filename, "synerror": synerror, } ) finally: admin = None userCommunity = None groupIds = None groupId = None groupContent = None result = None item = None del admin del userCommunity del groupIds del groupId del groupContent del result del item gc.collect()
[docs] def getGroupContent(self, groupName, onlyInOrg=False, onlyInUser=False): """Gets all the content from a group. Args: groupName (str): The name of the group from which to get items. onlyInOrg (bool): A boolean value to only return content belonging to the current org. Defaults to ``False``. onlyInUser (bool): A boolean value to only return content belonging to the current user credentials. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: list: A list of content belonging to the group. See Also: :py:func:`getGroupContentItems` for retrieving only items. """ admin = None groups = None q = None results = None res = None try: admin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(securityHandler=self._securityHandler) groups = q = groupName if onlyInOrg is True: q += " orgid: %s" % if onlyInUser is True: q += " owner: %s" % self._securityHandler.username results = = q) if 'total' in results and 'results' in results: if results['total'] > 0: for res in results['results']: group =['id']) return group.items return None except: line, filename, synerror = trace() raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "getGroupContent", "line": line, "filename": filename, "synerror": synerror, } ) finally: admin = None groups = None q = None results = None res = None del admin del groups del q del results del res gc.collect()
[docs] def getThumbnailForItem(self, itemId, fileName, filePath): """Gets an item's thumbnail and saves it to disk. Args: itemId (str): The item's ID. fileName (str): The name of the output image. fileName (str): The directory on disk where to save the thumbnail. Returns: dict: The result from :py:func:`arcrest.manageorg._content.UserItem.saveThumbnail` """ admin = None item = None try: admin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(securityHandler=self._securityHandler) item = admin.content.getItem(itemId = itemId) return item.saveThumbnail(fileName=fileName,filePath=filePath) except: line, filename, synerror = trace() raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "getThumbnailForItem", "line": line, "filename": filename, "synerror": synerror, } ) finally: admin = None item = None del admin del item gc.collect()
[docs] def createGroup(self, title, tags, description="", snippet="", phone="", access="org", sortField="title", sortOrder="asc", isViewOnly=False, isInvitationOnly=False, thumbnail=None): """Creates a new group. Args: title (str): The name of the new group, limited to 250 characters. tags (str): A comma delimited list of tag names. description (str): A description of the group that can be any length. snippet (str): Snippet or summary of the group that has a character limit of 250 characters. Defaults to ``""``. phone (str): Group contact information, limited to 250 characters. Defaults to ``""``. access (str): Sets the access level for the group. Defaults to ``"org"``. sortField (str): Sets sort field for group items. Defaults to ``"title"``. sortOrder (str): Sets sort order for group items. Defaults to ``"asc"``. isViewOnly (bool): A boolean value to create a view-only group with no sharing. Defaults to ``False``. isInvitationOnly (bool): A boolean value to not accept join requests. Defaults to ``False``. thumbnail (str): The full pathname to the group thumbnail to upload. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: If sucessful, the result from :py:func:`arcrest.manageorg._community.Community.createGroup`. If the group already exists or there is an error, ``None`` is returned. +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Parameters | Possible Values | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | access | ``private|org|public`` | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | sortField | ``title|owner|avgrating|numviews|created|modified`` | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | sortOrder | ``asc|desc`` | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ """ admin = None userCommunity = None try: admin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(securityHandler=self._securityHandler) userCommunity = try: groupExist = userCommunity.getGroupIDs(groupNames=title) if len(groupExist) > 0: print ("Group '%s' already exists" % title) return None return userCommunity.createGroup(title=title, tags=tags, description=description, snippet=snippet, phone=phone, access=access, sortField=sortField, sortOrder=sortOrder, isViewOnly=isViewOnly, isInvitationOnly=isInvitationOnly, thumbnail=thumbnail) except Exception as e: print (e) return None except: line, filename, synerror = trace() raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "createGroup", "line": line, "filename": filename, "synerror": synerror, } ) finally: admin = None userCommunity = None del admin del userCommunity gc.collect()
[docs] def createRole(self, name, description="", privileges=None): """Creates a new role. Args: name (str): The name of the new role. description (str): The description of the new role. Defaults to ``""``. privileges (str): A comma delimited list of privileges to apply to the new role. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: If ``privileges`` is ``None``, the result from :py:func:`arcrest.manageorg._portals.Portal.createRole`. If ``privileges`` were succesfully added, the result from :py:func:`arcrest.manageorg._portals.Roles.setPrivileges`. """ admin = None portal = None setPrivResults = None roleID = None createResults = None try: admin = arcrest.manageorg.Administration(securityHandler=self._securityHandler) portal = admin.portals.portalSelf try: roleID = portal.roles.findRoleID(name) if roleID is None: createResults = portal.createRole(name=name,description=description) if 'success' in createResults: if createResults['success'] == True: setPrivResults = portal.roles.setPrivileges(createResults['id'],privileges) if 'success' in setPrivResults: print ("%s role created" % name) else: print (setPrivResults) else: print (createResults) else: print (createResults) else: print ("'%s' role already exists" % name) except Exception as e: print (e) return None except: line, filename, synerror = trace() raise common.ArcRestHelperError({ "function": "createGroup", "line": line, "filename": filename, "synerror": synerror, } ) finally: admin = None portal = None setPrivResults = None roleID = None createResults = None del admin del portal del setPrivResults del roleID del createResults gc.collect()