Source code for arcrest.hostedservice.service

import json
from .._abstract.abstract import BaseAGOLClass, BaseSecurityHandler
from import security
import collections

[docs]class Services(BaseAGOLClass): """ The administration resource is the root node and initial entry point into a Spatial Data Server adminstrative interface. This resource represents a catalog of data sources and services published on the host. The current version and type of the server is also returned in the response. The value of the version is a number such that its value at a future release is guaranteed to be greater than its value at a previous release. Inputs: url - url to service admin site: http://<web server hostname>/arcgis/rest/admin securityHandler - AGOL/Portal """ _url = None _currentVersion = None _resources = None _serverType = None _proxy_port = None _proxy_url = None _securityHandler = None _services = None _folders = None _description = None _folderName = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, url, securityHandler, initialize=False, proxy_url=None, proxy_port=None): """Constructor""" self._url = url self._proxy_url = proxy_url self._proxy_port = proxy_port if isinstance(securityHandler, BaseSecurityHandler): if hasattr(securityHandler, 'is_portal'): if securityHandler.is_portal: if hasattr(securityHandler, 'portalServerHandler'): self._securityHandler = securityHandler.portalServerHandler(serverUrl=url) else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: raise AttributeError("Admin only supports AGOL, ArcGIS, Portal, NTLM, LDAP, PKI and OAuth security handlers") if initialize: self.__init() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init(self): """ initializes the service """ params = {"f" : "json"} json_dict = self._get(self._url, params, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) attributes = [attr for attr in dir(self) if not attr.startswith('__') and \ not attr.startswith('_')] for k,v in json_dict.items(): if k in attributes: setattr(self, "_"+ k, json_dict[k]) else: print( k, " - attribute not implemented in hostedservice.Services.") del k, v #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def folders(self): """returns the service folders""" if self._folders is None: self.__init() return self._folders #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def description(self): """returns the description property""" if self._description is None: self.__init() return self._description #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def folderName(self): """returns the folder name""" if self._folderName is None: self.__init() return self._folderName #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def securityHandler(self): """ gets the security handler """ return self._securityHandler #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @securityHandler.setter def securityHandler(self, value): """ sets the security handler """ if isinstance(value, BaseSecurityHandler): if isinstance(value, security.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler): self._securityHandler = value elif isinstance(value, security.OAuthSecurityHandler): self._securityHandler = value else: pass #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def currentVersion(self): """ returns the software's current version """ if self._currentVersion is None: self.__init() return self._currentVersion #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def resources(self): """ list of all resources on the AGOL site """ if self._resources is None: self.__init() return self._resources #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def serverType(self): """ returns the server type """ if self._serverType is None: self.__init() return self._serverType #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def services(self): """ returns all the service objects in the admin service's page """ self._services = [] params = {"f": "json"} if not self._url.endswith('/services'): uURL = self._url + "/services" else: uURL = self._url res = self._get(url=uURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) for k, v in res.items(): if k == "foldersDetail": for item in v: if 'isDefault' in item and item['isDefault'] == False: fURL = self._url + "/services/" + item['folderName'] resFolder = self._get(url=fURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) for k1, v1 in resFolder.items(): if k1 == "services": self._checkservice(k1,v1,fURL) elif k == "services": self._checkservice(k,v,uURL) return self._services def _checkservice(self,k,v,url): for item in v: if 'adminServiceInfo' in item: item = item['adminServiceInfo'] if 'type' in item and item['type'] == 'MapServer': if 'name' in item: name = item['name'] typefs = item['type'] if item.has_key('name') == True: name = item['name'] elif item.has_key('serviceName') == True: name = item['serviceName'] self._services.append( AdminMapService(url=url + r"/%s.%s" % (name,item['type']), securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, initialize=False) ) elif 'type' in item and item['type'] == 'FeatureServer': if 'name' in item: name = item['name'] typefs = item['type'] if item.has_key('adminServiceInfo') == True: name = item['adminServiceInfo']['name'] typefs = item['adminServiceInfo']['type'] elif item.has_key('serviceName') == True: name = item['serviceName'] typefs = item['type'] surl = url + r"/%s/%s" % (name, typefs) self._services.append( AdminFeatureService(url=surl, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, initialize=False, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port))
[docs]class AdminMapService(BaseAGOLClass): """ A map service offer access to map and layer content. The REST API administrative map service resource represents a map service. This resource provides basic information about the map, including the layers that it contains, whether the map is cached or not, its spatial reference, initial and full extents, etc... The administrative map service resource maintains a set of operations that manage the state and contents of the service. """ _securityHandler = None _url = None _initialExtent = None _currentJob = None _lodInfos = None _id = None _size = None _tileInfo = None _jobStatus = None _access = None _cacheExecutionStatus = None _type = None _status = None _jobs = None _sourceType = None _fullExtent = None _minScale = None _count = None _maxExportTilesCount = None _name = None _created = None _maxScale = None _modified = None _serverId = None _exportTilesAllowed = None _urlService = None _readonly = None _resampling = None _json = None _json_dict = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, url, securityHandler, initialize=False, proxy_url=None, proxy_port=None): """Constructor""" self._url = url if isinstance(securityHandler, BaseSecurityHandler): if hasattr(securityHandler, 'is_portal'): if securityHandler.is_portal: if hasattr(securityHandler, 'portalServerHandler'): self._securityHandler = securityHandler.portalServerHandler(serverUrl=url) else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: raise AttributeError("Admin only supports AGOL, ArcGIS, Portal, NTLM, LDAP, PKI and OAuth security handlers") self._proxy_url = proxy_url self._proxy_port = proxy_port if initialize: self.__init() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init(self): """ initializes the service """ params = { "f" : "json", } json_dict = self._get(self._url, params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self._json_dict = json_dict self._json = json.dumps(self._json_dict) attributes = [attr for attr in dir(self) if not attr.startswith('__') and \ not attr.startswith('_')] for k,v in json_dict.items(): if k == "url": self._urlService = v elif k in attributes: setattr(self, "_"+ k, json_dict[k]) else: print( k, " - attribute not implemented. Please log an support request.") del k, v #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __iter__(self): """returns the key/value pair of the raw JSON""" if self._json_dict is None: self.__init() for k,v in self._json_dict.items(): yield [k,v] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """returns raw json from url query""" if self._json is None: self.__init() return self._json #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def readonly(self): """returns the readonly property""" if self._readonly is None: self.__init() return self._readonly #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def resampling(self): """returns the resampling property""" if self._resampling is None: self.__init() return self._resampling #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def currentJob(self): '''gets the currentJob''' if self._currentJob is None: self.__init() return self._currentJob #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def lodInfos(self): '''gets the lodInfos''' if self._lodInfos is None: self.__init() return self._lodInfos #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def id(self): '''gets the id''' if self._id is None: self.__init() return self._id #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def size(self): '''gets the size''' if self._size is None: self.__init() return self._size #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def tileInfo(self): '''gets the tileInfo''' if self._tileInfo is None: self.__init() return self._tileInfo #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def jobStatus(self): '''gets the jobStatus''' if self._jobStatus is None: self.__init() return self._jobStatus #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def access(self): '''gets the access''' if self._access is None: self.__init() return self._access #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def cacheExecutionStatus(self): '''gets the cacheExecutionStatus''' if self._cacheExecutionStatus is None: self.__init() return self._cacheExecutionStatus #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def type(self): '''gets the type''' if self._type is None: self.__init() return self._type #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def jobs(self): '''gets the jobs''' if self._jobs is None: self.__init() return self._jobs #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def sourceType(self): '''gets the sourceType''' if self._sourceType is None: self.__init() return self._sourceType #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def fullExtent(self): '''gets the fullExtent''' if self._fullExtent is None: self.__init() return self._fullExtent #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def minScale(self): '''gets the minScale''' if self._minScale is None: self.__init() return self._minScale #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def count(self): '''gets the count''' if self._count is None: self.__init() return self._count #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def maxExportTilesCount(self): '''gets the maxExportTilesCount''' if self._maxExportTilesCount is None: self.__init() return self._maxExportTilesCount #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def name(self): '''gets the name''' if self._name is None: self.__init() return self._name #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def created(self): '''gets the created''' if self._created is None: self.__init() return self._created #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def urlService(self): '''gets the url''' if self._urlService is None: self.__init() return self._urlService #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def maxScale(self): '''gets the maxScale''' if self._maxScale is None: self.__init() return self._maxScale #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def modified(self): '''gets the modified''' if self._modified is None: self.__init() return self._modified #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def serverId(self): '''gets the serverId''' if self._serverId is None: self.__init() return self._serverId #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def exportTilesAllowed(self): '''gets the exportTilesAllowed''' if self._exportTilesAllowed is None: self.__init() return self._exportTilesAllowed #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def initialExtent(self): """gets the initialExtent""" if self._initialExtent is None: self.__init() return self._initialExtent #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def status(self): """ returns the service status """ if self._status is None: self.__init() return self._status #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def securityHandler(self): """ returns the current security handler """ return self._securityHandler #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @securityHandler.setter def securityHandler(self, value): """ sets the security handler """ if isinstance(value, security.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler): self._securityHandler = value else: raise AttributeError("This object only accepts security.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler") #----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def refresh(self, serviceDefinition=True): """ The refresh operation refreshes a service, which clears the web server cache for the service. """ url = self._url + "/MapServer/refresh" params = { "f" : "json", "serviceDefinition" : serviceDefinition } res = self._post(url=self._url, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port) self.__init() return res
[docs] def cancelJob(self, jobId): """ The cancel job operation supports cancelling a job while update tiles is running from a hosted feature service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. Inputs: jobId - jobId to cancel """ url = self._url + "/jobs/%s/cancel" % jobId params = { "f" : "json" } return self._post(url=url, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port)
[docs] def jobStatistics(self, jobId): """ The delete job operation supports deleting a job from a hosted map service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. """ url = self._url + "/jobs/%s" % jobId params = { "f" : "json" } return self._post(url=url, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._proxy_url, proxy_port=self._proxy_port)
[docs] def editTileService(self, serviceDefinition=None, minScale=None, maxScale=None, sourceItemId=None, exportTilesAllowed=False, maxExportTileCount=100000): """ This post operation updates a Tile Service's properties Inputs: serviceDefinition - updates a service definition minScale - sets the services minimum scale for caching maxScale - sets the service's maximum scale for caching sourceItemId - The Source Item ID is the GeoWarehouse Item ID of the map service exportTilesAllowed - sets the value to let users export tiles maxExportTileCount - sets the maximum amount of tiles to be exported from a single call. """ params = { "f" : "json", } if not serviceDefinition is None: params["serviceDefinition"] = serviceDefinition if not minScale is None: params['minScale'] = float(minScale) if not maxScale is None: params['maxScale'] = float(maxScale) if not sourceItemId is None: params["sourceItemId"] = sourceItemId if not exportTilesAllowed is None: params["exportTilesAllowed"] = exportTilesAllowed if not maxExportTileCount is None: params["maxExportTileCount"] = int(maxExportTileCount) url = self._url + "/edit" return self._post(url=url, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_url=self._securityHandler.proxy_url, proxy_port=self._securityHandler.proxy_port)
[docs]class AdminFeatureService(BaseAGOLClass): """ A feature service can contain datasets (e.g. tables, views) with and without a spatial column. Datasets with a spatial column are considered layers and without a spatial column are considered tables. A feature service allows clients to query and edit feature geometry and attributes. This resource provides basic information about the feature service including the feature layers and tables that it contains, the service description, etc. The administrative feature service resource maintains a set of operations that manage the state and contents of the service. Note, query and edit operations are not available via the adminstrative resource. """ _url = None _xssPreventionInfo = None _size = None _adminServiceInfo = None _initialExtent = None _copyrightText = None _layers = None _tables = None _enableZDefaults = None _syncCapabilities = None _capabilities = None _currentVersion = None _hasVersionedData = None _units = None _supportedQueryFormats = None _maxRecordCount = None _allowGeometryUpdates = None _description = None _hasStaticData = None _fullExtent = None _serviceDescription = None _editorTrackingInfo = None _supportsDisconnectedEditing = None _spatialReference = None _syncEnabled = None _dict = None _json = None _json_dict = None _error = None _serviceItemId = None _supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, url, securityHandler, initialize=False, proxy_url=None, proxy_port=None): """Constructor""" if url is None: return if 'rest/services' in url: url = url.replace('rest/services', 'rest/admin/services') self._url = url if isinstance(securityHandler, BaseSecurityHandler): if hasattr(securityHandler, 'is_portal'): if securityHandler.is_portal: if hasattr(securityHandler, 'portalServerHandler'): self._securityHandler = securityHandler.portalServerHandler(serverUrl=url) else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: raise AttributeError("Admin only supports AGOL, ArcGIS, Portal, NTLM, LDAP, PKI and OAuth security handlers") self._proxy_url = proxy_url self._proxy_port = proxy_port if initialize: self.__init() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init(self): """ initializes the service """ params = { "f" : "json", } json_dict = self._get(self._url, params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self._json_dict = json_dict self._dict = json_dict self._json = json.dumps(self._dict) attributes = [attr for attr in dir(self) if not attr.startswith('__') and \ not attr.startswith('_')] for k,v in json_dict.items(): if k == "layers": self._layers = [] for lyr in v: fl = AdminFeatureServiceLayer(url=self._url + "/%s" % lyr['id'], securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) fl.loadAttributes(json_dict = lyr) self._layers.append(fl) del fl del lyr elif k == "tables": self._tables = [] for lyr in v: fl = AdminFeatureServiceLayer(url=self._url + "/%s" % lyr['id'], securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) fl.loadAttributes(json_dict = lyr) self._tables.append(fl) del fl del lyr elif k in attributes: setattr(self, "_"+ k, json_dict[k]) else: print( k, " - attribute not implemented in AdminFeatureService.") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds(self): '''gets the property value for supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds''' if self._supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds is None: self.__init() return self._supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def serviceItemId(self): '''gets the property value for serviceItemId''' if self._serviceItemId is None: self.__init() return self._serviceItemId #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def error(self): """gets the error message""" if self._error is None: self.__init() return self._error #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def securityHandler(self): """ returns the security handler """ return self._securityHandler #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @securityHandler.setter def securityHandler(self, value): """ sets the security handler """ if isinstance(value, BaseSecurityHandler): if isinstance(value, (security.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler,security.PortalTokenSecurityHandler,security.ArcGISTokenSecurityHandler)): self._securityHandler = value else: raise AttributeError("Admin only supports security.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """return object as string""" if self._json is None: self.__init() return self._json #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __iter__(self): """returns the key/value pair of the raw JSON""" if self._json_dict is None: self.__init() for k,v in self._json_dict.items(): yield [k,v] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def status(self): """ returns the service status """ uURL = self._url + "/status" params = { "f" : "json" } return self._get(url=uURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) #----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def refresh(self): """ refreshes a service """ params = {"f": "json"} uURL = self._url + "/refresh" res = self._get(url=uURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self.__init() return res
#---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def xssPreventionInfo(self): """returns the xssPreventionInfo information """ if self._xssPreventionInfo is None: self.__init() return self._xssPreventionInfo #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def size(self): """returns the size parameter""" if self._size is None: self.__init() return self._size #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def maxRecordCount(self): """returns the max record count""" if self._maxRecordCount is None: self.__init() return self._maxRecordCount #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportedQueryFormats(self): """""" if self._supportedQueryFormats is None: self.__init() return self._supportedQueryFormats #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def capabilities(self): """ returns a list of capabilities """ if self._capabilities is None: self.__init() return self._capabilities #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def description(self): """ returns the service description """ if self._description is None: self.__init() return self._description #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def copyrightText(self): """ returns the copyright text """ if self._copyrightText is None: self.__init() return self._copyrightText #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def spatialReference(self): """ returns the spatial reference """ if self._spatialReference is None: self.__init() return self._spatialReference #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def initialExtent(self): """ returns the initial extent of the feature service """ if self._initialExtent is None: self.__init() return self._initialExtent #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def fullExtent(self): """ returns the full extent of the feature service """ if self._fullExtent is None: self.__init() return self._fullExtent #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def allowGeometryUpdates(self): """ informs the user if the data allows geometry updates """ if self._allowGeometryUpdates is None: self.__init() return self._allowGeometryUpdates #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def units(self): """ returns the measurement unit """ if self._units is None: self.__init() return self._units #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def syncEnabled(self): """ informs the user if sync of data can be performed """ if self._syncEnabled is None: self.__init() return self._syncEnabled #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def syncCapabilities(self): """ type of sync that can be performed """ if self._syncCapabilities is None: self.__init() return self._syncCapabilities #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def editorTrackingInfo(self): """""" if self._editorTrackingInfo is None: self.__init() return self._editorTrackingInfo #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def hasStaticData(self): """""" if self._hasStaticData is None: self.__init() return self._hasStaticData #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def currentVersion(self): """ returns the map service current version """ if self._currentVersion is None: self.__init() return self._currentVersion #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def serviceDescription(self): """ returns the serviceDescription of the map service """ if self._serviceDescription is None: self.__init() return self._serviceDescription #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def hasVersionedData(self): """ returns boolean for versioned data """ if self._hasVersionedData is None: self.__init() return self._hasVersionedData #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsDisconnectedEditing(self): """ returns boolean is disconnecting editted supported """ if self._supportsDisconnectedEditing is None: self.__init() return self._supportsDisconnectedEditing #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def adminServiceInfo(self): """ returns the admin service information""" if self._adminServiceInfo is None: self.__init() return self._adminServiceInfo #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def layers(self): """ returns the layers for a service """ if self._layers is None: self.__init() return self._layers #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def tables(self): """ returns the layers for a service """ if self._tables is None: self.__init() return self._tables #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def enableZDefaults(self): """ returns the layers for a service """ if self._enableZDefaults is None: self.__init() return self._enableZDefaults #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asDictionary(self): """ returns the feature service as a dictionary object """ if self._dict is None: self.__init() return self._dict #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def url(self): """ returns boolean is disconnecting editted supported """ if self._url is None: return None return self._url #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def json(self): """ returns boolean is disconnecting editted supported """ if self._dict is None: self.__init() return self._dict #----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def addToDefinition(self, json_dict): """ The addToDefinition operation supports adding a definition property to a hosted feature service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. This function will allow users to change add additional values to an already published service. Input: json_dict - part to add to host service. The part format can be derived from the asDictionary property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object. Output: JSON message as dictionary """ params = { "f" : "json", "addToDefinition" : json.dumps(json_dict), "async" : False } uURL = self._url + "/addToDefinition" res = self._post(url=uURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self.refresh() return res
[docs] def updateDefinition(self, json_dict): """ The updateDefinition operation supports updating a definition property in a hosted feature service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. Input: json_dict - part to add to host service. The part format can be derived from the asDictionary property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object. Output: JSON Message as dictionary """ definition = None if json_dict is not None: if isinstance(json_dict,collections.OrderedDict) == True: definition = json_dict else: definition = collections.OrderedDict() if 'hasStaticData' in json_dict: definition['hasStaticData'] = json_dict['hasStaticData'] if 'allowGeometryUpdates' in json_dict: definition['allowGeometryUpdates'] = json_dict['allowGeometryUpdates'] if 'capabilities' in json_dict: definition['capabilities'] = json_dict['capabilities'] if 'editorTrackingInfo' in json_dict: definition['editorTrackingInfo'] = collections.OrderedDict() if 'enableEditorTracking' in json_dict['editorTrackingInfo']: definition['editorTrackingInfo']['enableEditorTracking'] = json_dict['editorTrackingInfo']['enableEditorTracking'] if 'enableOwnershipAccessControl' in json_dict['editorTrackingInfo']: definition['editorTrackingInfo']['enableOwnershipAccessControl'] = json_dict['editorTrackingInfo']['enableOwnershipAccessControl'] if 'allowOthersToUpdate' in json_dict['editorTrackingInfo']: definition['editorTrackingInfo']['allowOthersToUpdate'] = json_dict['editorTrackingInfo']['allowOthersToUpdate'] if 'allowOthersToDelete' in json_dict['editorTrackingInfo']: definition['editorTrackingInfo']['allowOthersToDelete'] = json_dict['editorTrackingInfo']['allowOthersToDelete'] if 'allowOthersToQuery' in json_dict['editorTrackingInfo']: definition['editorTrackingInfo']['allowOthersToQuery'] = json_dict['editorTrackingInfo']['allowOthersToQuery'] if isinstance(json_dict['editorTrackingInfo'],dict): for k,v in json_dict['editorTrackingInfo'].items(): if k not in definition['editorTrackingInfo']: definition['editorTrackingInfo'][k] = v if isinstance(json_dict,dict): for k,v in json_dict.items(): if k not in definition: definition[k] = v params = { "f" : "json", "updateDefinition" : json.dumps(obj=definition,separators=(',', ':')), "async" : False } uURL = self._url + "/updateDefinition" res = self._post(url=uURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self.refresh() return res
[docs] def deleteFromDefinition(self, json_dict): """ The deleteFromDefinition operation supports deleting a definition property from a hosted feature service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. See: for additional information on this function. Input: json_dict - part to add to host service. The part format can be derived from the asDictionary property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object. Only include the items you want to remove from the FeatureService or layer. Output: JSON Message as dictionary """ params = { "f" : "json", "deleteFromDefinition" : json.dumps(json_dict), "async" : False } uURL = self._url + "/deleteFromDefinition" res = self._post(url=uURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self.refresh() return res
[docs]class AdminFeatureServiceLayer(BaseAGOLClass): """ The layer resource represents a single feature layer or a non spatial table in a feature service. A feature layer is a table or view with at least one spatial column. For tables, it provides basic information about the table such as its id, name, fields, types and templates. For feature layers, in addition to the table information above, it provides information such as its geometry type, min and max scales, and spatial reference. Each type includes information about the type such as the type id, name, and definition expression. Sub-types also include a default symbol and a list of feature templates. Each feature template includes a template name, description and a prototypical feature. The property supportsRollbackOnFailures will be true to indicate the support for transactional edits. The property maxRecordCount returns the maximum number of records that will be returned at once for a query. The property capabilities returns Query, Create, Delete, Update, and Editing capabilities. The Editing capability will be included if Create, Delete or Update is enabled for a Feature Service. Note, query and edit operations are not available on a layer in the adminstrative view. """ _editFieldsInfo = None _drawingInfo = None _typeIdField = None _advancedQueryCapabilities = None _supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter = None _globalIdField = None _supportsAdvancedQueries = None _id = None _relationships = None _capabilities = None _indexes = None _currentVersion = None _geometryType = None _hasStaticData = None _type = None _supportedQueryFormats = None _isDataVersioned = None _allowGeometryUpdates = None _description = None _defaultVisibility = None _extent = None _objectIdField = None _htmlPopupType = None _types = None _hasM = None _displayField = None _name = None _templates = None _supportsStatistics = None _hasAttachments = None _fields = None _maxScale = None _copyrightText = None _hasZ = None _maxRecordCount = None _minScale = None _drawingInfo = None _typeIdField = None _advancedQueryCapabilities = None _supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter = None _globalIdField = None _supportsAdvancedQueries = None _id = None _relationships = None _capabilities = None _indexes = None _currentVersion = None _geometryType = None _hasStaticData = None _type = None _supportedQueryFormats = None _isDataVersioned = None _allowGeometryUpdates = None _description = None _defaultVisibility = None _extent = None _objectIdField = None _htmlPopupType = None _types = None _hasM = None _displayField = None _name = None _templates = None _supportsStatistics = None _hasAttachments = None _fields = None _maxScale = None _copyrightText = None _hasZ = None _maxRecordCount = None _minScale = None _definitionExpression = None _parentLayer = None _subLayers = None _effectiveMinScale = None _effectiveMaxScale = None _timeInfo = None _canModifyLayer = None _hasLabels = None _canScaleSymbols = None _ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures = None _adminLayerInfo = None _supportsAttachmentsByUploadId = None _editingInfo = None _supportsCalculate = None _supportsValidateSql = None _supportsCoordinatesQuantization = None _json = None _json_dict = None _error = None _adminLayerInfo = None _syncCanReturnChanges = None _dateFieldsTimeReference = None _enableZDefaults = None _ogcGeometryType = None _exceedsLimitFactor = None _useStandardizedQueries = None _definitionQuery = None _zDefault = None _supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds = None _supportsValidateSQL = None _serviceItemId = None _standardMaxRecordCount = None _tileMaxRecordCount = None _maxRecordCountFactor = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, url, securityHandler, initialize=False, proxy_url=None, proxy_port=None): """Constructor""" self._url = url self._proxy_url = proxy_url self._proxy_port = proxy_port if isinstance(securityHandler, BaseSecurityHandler): if hasattr(securityHandler, 'is_portal'): if securityHandler.is_portal: if hasattr(securityHandler, 'portalServerHandler'): self._securityHandler = securityHandler.portalServerHandler(serverUrl=url) else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: self._securityHandler = securityHandler else: raise AttributeError("Admin only supports AGOL, ArcGIS, Portal, NTLM, LDAP, PKI and OAuth security handlers") if initialize: self.__init() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """returns the object as a string""" if self._json is None: self.__init() return self._json #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __iter__(self): """returns the key/value pair of the raw JSON""" if self._json_dict is None: self.__init() for k,v in self._json_dict.items(): yield [k,v] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsValidateSQL (self): """ returns the current security handler """ return self._supportsValidateSQL #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def serviceItemId(self): """ returns the current security handler """ return self._serviceItemId #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def securityHandler(self): """ returns the current security handler """ return self._securityHandler #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @securityHandler.setter def securityHandler(self, value): """ sets the security handler """ if isinstance(value,( security.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler,security.PortalTokenSecurityHandler,security.ArcGISTokenSecurityHandler)): self._securityHandler = value else: raise AttributeError("This object only accepts security.AGOLTokenSecurityHandler") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init(self): """ initializes the service """ params = { "f" : "json", } json_dict = self._get(self._url, params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self._json = json.dumps(json_dict) self._json_dict = json_dict self.loadAttributes(json_dict=json_dict) #----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def loadAttributes(self,json_dict): attributes = [attr for attr in dir(self) if not attr.startswith('__') and \ not attr.startswith('_')] for k,v in json_dict.items(): if k in attributes: setattr(self, "_"+ k, json_dict[k]) else: print( k, " - attribute not implemented AdminFeatureServiceLayer.") del k, v
[docs] def refresh(self): """ refreshes a service """ params = {"f": "json"} uURL = self._url + "/refresh" res = self._get(url=uURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self.__init() return res
#---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def standardMaxRecordCount(self): '''gets the property value for standardMaxRecordCount''' if self._standardMaxRecordCount is None: self.__init() return self._standardMaxRecordCount #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def tileMaxRecordCount(self): '''gets the property value for tileMaxRecordCount''' if self._tileMaxRecordCount is None: self.__init() return self._tileMaxRecordCount #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def maxRecordCountFactor(self): '''gets the property value for maxRecordCountFactor''' if self._maxRecordCountFactor is None: self.__init() return self._maxRecordCountFactor #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds(self): '''gets the property value for supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds''' if self._supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds is None: self.__init() return self._supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsValidateSql(self): """gets the support validate sql value""" if self._supportsValidateSql is None: self.__init() return self._supportsValidateSql #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def error(self): """returns error message if error occurs""" if self._error is None: self.__init() return self._error #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsCoordinatesQuantization(self): """gets the supportsCoordinatesQuantization value""" if self._supportsCoordinatesQuantization is None: self.__init() return self._supportsCoordinatesQuantization #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def editFieldsInfo(self): """ returns the edit fields information """ if self._editFieldsInfo is None: self.__init() return self._editFieldsInfo #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def advancedQueryCapabilities(self): """ returns the advanced query capabilities """ if self._advancedQueryCapabilities is None: self.__init() return self._advancedQueryCapabilities #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter(self): """ returns if rollback on failure supported """ if self._supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter is None: self.__init() return self._supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def hasStaticData(self): """boolean T/F if static data is present """ if self._hasStaticData is None: self.__init() return self._hasStaticData #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def indexes(self): """gets the indexes""" if self._indexes is None: self.__init() return self._indexes #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def templates(self): """ gets the template """ if self._templates is None: self.__init() return self._templates #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def allowGeometryUpdates(self): """ returns boolean if geometry updates are allowed """ if self._allowGeometryUpdates is None: self.__init() return self._allowGeometryUpdates #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def globalIdField(self): """ returns the global id field """ if self._globalIdField is None: self.__init() return self._globalIdField #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def objectIdField(self): if self._objectIdField is None: self.__init() return self._objectIdField #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def currentVersion(self): """ returns the current version """ if self._currentVersion is None: self.__init() return self._currentVersion #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def id(self): """ returns the id """ if self._id is None: self.__init() return self._id #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def name(self): """ returns the name """ if self._name is None: self.__init() return self._name #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def type(self): """ returns the type """ if self._type is None: self.__init() return self._type #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def description(self): """ returns the layer's description """ if self._description is None: self.__init() return self._description #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def definitionExpression(self): """returns the definitionExpression""" if self._definitionExpression is None: self.__init() return self._definitionExpression #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def geometryType(self): """returns the geometry type""" if self._geometryType is None: self.__init() return self._geometryType #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def hasZ(self): """ returns if it has a Z value or not """ if self._hasZ is None: self.__init() return self._hasZ #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def hasM(self): """ returns if it has a m value or not """ if self._hasM is None: self.__init() return self._hasM #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def copyrightText(self): """ returns the copyright text """ if self._copyrightText is None: self.__init() return self._copyrightText #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def parentLayer(self): """ returns information about the parent """ if self._parentLayer is None: self.__init() return self._parentLayer #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def subLayers(self): """ returns sublayers for layer """ if self._subLayers is None: self.__init() return self._subLayers #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def minScale(self): """ minimum scale layer will show """ if self._minScale is None: self.__init() return self._minScale #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def maxScale(self): """ sets the max scale """ if self._maxScale is None: self.__init() return self._maxScale #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def effectiveMinScale(self): if self._effectiveMinScale is None: self.__init() return self._effectiveMinScale #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def effectiveMaxScale(self): if self._effectiveMaxScale is None: self.__init() return self._effectiveMaxScale #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def defaultVisibility(self): if self._defaultVisibility is None: self.__init() return self._defaultVisibility #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def extent(self): if self._extent is None: self.__init() return self._extent #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def timeInfo(self): if self._timeInfo is None: self.__init() return self._timeInfo #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def drawingInfo(self): if self._drawingInfo is None: self.__init() return self._drawingInfo #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def hasAttachments(self): if self._hasAttachments is None: self.__init() return self._hasAttachments #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def htmlPopupType(self): if self._htmlPopupType is None: self.__init() return self._htmlPopupType #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def displayField(self): if self._displayField is None: self.__init() return self._displayField #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def typeIdField(self): if self._typeIdField is None: self.__init() return self._typeIdField #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def fields(self): if self._fields is None: self.__init() return self._fields #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def types(self): if self._types is None: self.__init() return self._types #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def relationships(self): if self._relationships is None: self.__init() return self._relationships #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def maxRecordCount(self): if self._maxRecordCount is None: self.__init() if self._maxRecordCount is None: self._maxRecordCount = 1000 return self._maxRecordCount #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def canModifyLayer(self): if self._canModifyLayer is None: self.__init() return self._canModifyLayer #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsStatistics(self): if self._supportsStatistics is None: self.__init() return self._supportsStatistics #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsAdvancedQueries(self): if self._supportsAdvancedQueries is None: self.__init() return self._supportsAdvancedQueries #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def hasLabels(self): if self._hasLabels is None: self.__init() return self._hasLabels #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def canScaleSymbols(self): if self._canScaleSymbols is None: self.__init() return self._canScaleSymbols #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def capabilities(self): if self._capabilities is None: self.__init() return self._capabilities #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportedQueryFormats(self): if self._supportedQueryFormats is None: self.__init() return self._supportedQueryFormats #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def isDataVersioned(self): if self._isDataVersioned is None: self.__init() return self._isDataVersioned #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsCalculate(self): """gets the supportsCalculate value""" if self._supportsCalculate is None: self.__init() return self._supportsCalculate #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def editingInfo(self): """gets the editingInfo value""" if self._editingInfo is None: self.__init() return self._editingInfo #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def supportsAttachmentsByUploadId(self): """gets the supportsAttachmentsByUploadId value""" if self._supportsAttachmentsByUploadId is None: self.__init() return self._supportsAttachmentsByUploadId #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures(self): if self._ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures is None: self.__init() return self._ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def useStandardizedQueries(self): if self._useStandardizedQueries is None: self.__init() return self._useStandardizedQueries #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def adminLayerInfo(self): if self._adminLayerInfo is None: self.__init() return self._adminLayerInfo #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def syncCanReturnChanges(self): if self._syncCanReturnChanges is None: self.__init() return self._syncCanReturnChanges #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def dateFieldsTimeReference(self): if self._dateFieldsTimeReference is None: self.__init() return self._dateFieldsTimeReference #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def enableZDefaults(self): if self._enableZDefaults is None: self.__init() return self._enableZDefaults #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def ogcGeometryType(self): if self._ogcGeometryType is None: self.__init() return self._ogcGeometryType #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def exceedsLimitFactor(self): if self._exceedsLimitFactor is None: self.__init() return self._exceedsLimitFactor #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def definitionQuery(self): if self._definitionQuery is None: self.__init() return self._definitionQuery #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def zDefault(self): if self.zDefault is None: self.__init() return self.zDefault #----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def addToDefinition(self, json_dict): """ The addToDefinition operation supports adding a definition property to a hosted feature service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. This function will allow users to change add additional values to an already published service. Input: json_dict - part to add to host service. The part format can be derived from the asDictionary property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object. Output: JSON message as dictionary """ params = { "f" : "json", "addToDefinition" : json.dumps(json_dict), #"async" : False } uURL = self._url + "/addToDefinition" res = self._post(url=uURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self.refresh() return res
[docs] def updateDefinition(self, json_dict): """ The updateDefinition operation supports updating a definition property in a hosted feature service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. Input: json_dict - part to add to host service. The part format can be derived from the asDictionary property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object. Output: JSON Message as dictionary """ params = { "f" : "json", "updateDefinition" : json.dumps(json_dict), "async" : False } uURL = self._url + "/updateDefinition" res = self._post(url=uURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self.refresh() return res
[docs] def deleteFromDefinition(self, json_dict): """ The deleteFromDefinition operation supports deleting a definition property from a hosted feature service. The result of this operation is a response indicating success or failure with error code and description. See: for additional information on this function. Input: json_dict - part to add to host service. The part format can be derived from the asDictionary property. For layer level modifications, run updates on each individual feature service layer object. Only include the items you want to remove from the FeatureService or layer. Output: JSON Message as dictionary """ params = { "f" : "json", "deleteFromDefinition" : json.dumps(json_dict) } uURL = self._url + "/deleteFromDefinition" res = self._post(url=uURL, param_dict=params, securityHandler=self._securityHandler, proxy_port=self._proxy_port, proxy_url=self._proxy_url) self.refresh() return res