Source code for arcrest.common.symbology

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import json

[docs]class BaseSymbol(object): """base symbol class""" pass
[docs]class SimpleMarkerSymbol(BaseSymbol): """ Simple marker symbols can be used to symbolize point geometries. The type property for simple marker symbols is esriSMS. The angle property defines the number of degrees (0 to 360) that a marker symbol is rotated. The rotation is from East in a counter-clockwise direction where East is the 0 degrees axis. """ _type = "esriSMS" _style = None _color = None _size = None _angle = None _xoffset = None _yoffset = None _outline = None _styles = ['esriSMSCircle', 'esriSMSCross', 'esriSMSDiamond', 'esriSMSSquare', 'esriSMSX', 'esriSMSTriangle'] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, style, color, size, angle=0, xoffset=0, yoffset=0, outlineColor=None, outlineWidth=1): """Constructor""" if style in self._styles: self._style = style else: raise AttributeError("Invalid Style, items must be: %s" % ",".join(self._styles) ) self._color = color self._size = size self._angle = angle self._xoffset = xoffset self._yoffset = yoffset if not outlineColor is None: self._outline = { "color" : outlineColor, "width" : outlineWidth } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def type(self): """gets the type""" return self._type #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def style(self): """gets/sets the style""" return self._style #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @style.setter def style(self, value): """gets/sets the style""" if self._style != value and \ value in self._styles: self._style = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def angle(self): """gets/sets the angle""" return self._angle #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @angle.setter def angle(self, value): """gets/sets the angle""" if self._angle != value and \ isinstance(value, (int, float, long)): self._angle = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def color(self): """gets/sets the color""" return self._color #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @color.setter def color(self, value): """gets/sets the color""" if self._color != value and \ isinstance(value, Color): self._color = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def size(self): """gets/sets the size""" return self._size #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @size.setter def size(self, value): """gets/sets the size""" if self._size != value and \ isinstance(value, (int, float, long)): self._size = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def xoffset(self): """gets/sets the xoffset""" return self._xoffset #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @xoffset.setter def xoffset(self, value): """gets/sets the xoffset""" if self._xoffset != value and \ isinstance(value, (int, float, long)): self._xoffset = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def yoffset(self): """gets/sets the yoffset""" return self._yoffset #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @yoffset.setter def yoffset(self, value): """gets/sets the yoffset""" if self._yoffset != value and \ isinstance(value, (int, float, long)): self._yoffset = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def outlineWidth(self): """gets/sets the outlineWidth""" if self._outline is None: return None return self._outline['width'] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @outlineWidth.setter def outlineWidth(self, value): """gets/sets the outlineWidth""" if isinstance(value, (int, float, long)) and \ not self._outline is None: self._outline['width'] = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def outlineColor(self): """gets/sets the outlineColor""" if self._outline is None: return None return self._outline['color'] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @outlineColor.setter def outlineColor(self, value): """gets/sets the outlineColor""" if isinstance(value, Color) and \ not self._outline is None: self._outline['color'] = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def value(self): """returns the object as dictionary""" if self._outline is None: return { "type" : "esriSMS", "style" : self._style, "color" : self._color.value, "size" : self._size, "angle" : self._angle, "xoffset" : self._xoffset, "yoffset" : self._yoffset } else: return { "type" : "esriSMS", "style" : self._style, "color" : self._color.value, "size" : self._size, "angle" : self._angle, "xoffset" : self._xoffset, "yoffset" : self._yoffset, "outline" : { "width" : self._outline['width'], "color" : self._color.value } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """object as string""" return json.dumps(self.value)
[docs]class SimpleLineSymbol(BaseSymbol): """ Simple line symbols can be used to symbolize polyline geometries or outlines for polygon fills. The type property for simple line symbols is esriSLS. """ _type = "esriSLS" _style = None _styles = ['esriSLSDash','esriSLSDashDot','esriSLSDashDotDot','esriSLSDot','esriSLSNull','esriSLSSolid'] _color = None _width = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, style, color, width=1): """Constructor""" if not isinstance(color, Color): raise AttributeError("color must be a Color object") self._color = color self._width = width if style in self._styles: self._style = style else: raise AttributeError("Invalid line style.") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def color(self): """gets/sets the color""" return self._color #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @color.setter def color(self, value): """gets/sets the color""" if self._color != value and \ isinstance(value, Color): self._color = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def width(self): """gets/sets the width""" return self._width #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @width.setter def width(self, value): """gets/sets the width""" if self._width != value and \ isinstance(value, (int, float, long)): self._width = value def __str__(self): """ returns object as string """ return json.dumps(self.value) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def value(self): """gets the color value""" return { "type" : self._type, "style" : self._style, "color" : self._color.value, "width" : self._width }
[docs]class SimpleFillSymbol(BaseSymbol): """ Simple fill symbols can be used to symbolize polygon geometries. The type property for simple fill symbols is esriSFS. """ _type = "esriSFS" _style = None _styles = ['esriSFSBackwardDiagonal','esriSFSCross','esriSFSDiagonalCross', 'esriSFSForwardDiagonal','esriSFSHorizontal','esriSFSNull', 'esriSFSSolid','esriSFSVertical'] _color = None _outline = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, style, color, outline=None): """Constructor""" if style in self._styles: self._style = style else: raise AttributeError("Invalid style type") if isinstance(color, Color): self._color = color else: raise AttributeError("Invalid type: color must be type Color") if not outline is None: if isinstance(outline, SimpleLineSymbol): self._outline = outline else: raise AttributeError("Invalid type: outline must be type SimpleLineSymbol") else: self._outline = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def type(self): """gets the type""" return self._type #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def style(self): """gets/sets the style""" return self._style #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @style.setter def style(self, value): """gets/sets the style""" if self._style != value and \ value in self._styles: self._style = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def color(self): """gets/sets the color""" return self._color #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @color.setter def color(self, value): """gets/sets the color""" if self._color != value and \ isinstance(value, Color): self._color = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """ returns object as string """ return json.dumps(self.value) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def value(self): """gets the color value""" if self._outline is None: return { "type" : self._type, "style" : self._style, "color" : self._color.value, } else: return { "type" : self._type, "style" : self._style, "color" : self._color.value, "outline" : self._outline.value }
[docs]class Color(object): """ Color is represented as a four-element array. The four elements represent values for red, green, blue, and alpha in that order. Values range from 0 through 255. If color is undefined for a symbol, the color value is null. """ _red = None _green = None _blue = None _alpha = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, red, green, blue, alpha=255): """Constructor""" self._red = red self._green = green self._blue = blue self._alpha = alpha #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def red(self): """gets/sets the red value""" return self._red #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @red.setter def red(self, value): """gets/sets the red value""" if value != self._red and \ isinstance(value, int): self._red = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def green(self): """gets/sets the green value""" return self._green #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @green.setter def green(self, value): """gets/sets the green value""" if value != self._green and \ isinstance(value, int): self._green = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def blue(self): """gets/sets the blue value""" return self._blue #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @blue.setter def blue(self, value): """gets/sets the blue value""" if value != self._blue and \ isinstance(value, int): self._blue = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def alpha(self): """gets/sets the alpha value""" return self._alpha #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value): """gets/sets the alpha value""" if value != self._alpha and \ isinstance(value, int): self._alpha = value def __str__(self): """ returns object as string """ return json.dumps(self.value) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def value(self): """gets the color value""" return [self._red, self._green, self._blue, self._alpha]