Source code for arcrest.common.spatial

Contains all the spatial functions
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import os, datetime
    import arcpy
    from arcpy import env
    arcpyFound = True
    arcpyFound = False
[docs]def create_feature_layer(ds, sql, name="layer"): """ creates a feature layer object """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") result = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(in_features=ds, out_layer=name, where_clause=sql) return result[0]
[docs]def featureclass_to_json(fc): """converts a feature class to JSON""" if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) if desc.dataType == "Table" or desc.dataType == "TableView": return recordset_to_json(table=fc) else: return arcpy.FeatureSet(fc).JSON
[docs]def recordset_to_json(table): """ converts the table to JSON """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") return arcpy.RecordSet(table).JSON
[docs]def json_to_featureclass(json_file, out_fc): """ converts a json file (.json) to a feature class """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") return arcpy.JSONToFeatures_conversion(in_json_file=json_file, out_features=out_fc)[0]
[docs]def table_to_json(table): """ returns a table as JSON """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") return arcpy.RecordSet(table).JSON
[docs]def get_attachment_data(attachmentTable, sql, nameField="ATT_NAME", blobField="DATA", contentTypeField="CONTENT_TYPE", rel_object_field="REL_OBJECTID"): """ gets all the data to pass to a feature service """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") ret_rows = [] with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(attachmentTable, [nameField, blobField, contentTypeField, rel_object_field], where_clause=sql) as rows: for row in rows: temp_f = os.environ['temp'] + os.sep + row[0] writer = open(temp_f,'wb') writer.write(row[1]) writer.flush() writer.close() del writer ret_rows.append({ "name" : row[0], "blob" : temp_f, "content" : row[2], "rel_oid" : row[3] }) del row return ret_rows
[docs]def get_records_with_attachments(attachment_table, rel_object_field="REL_OBJECTID"): """""" if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") OIDs = [] with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(attachment_table, [rel_object_field]) as rows: for row in rows: if not str(row[0]) in OIDs: OIDs.append("%s" % str(row[0])) del row del rows return OIDs
[docs]def get_OID_field(fs): """returns a featureset's object id field""" if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") desc = arcpy.Describe(fs) if desc.hasOID: return desc.OIDFieldName return None
[docs]def merge_feature_class(merges, out_fc, cleanUp=True): """ merges featureclass into a single feature class """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") if cleanUp == False: if len(merges) == 0: return None elif len(merges) == 1: desc = arcpy.Describe(merges[0]) if hasattr(desc, 'shapeFieldName'): return arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(merges[0], out_fc)[0] else: return arcpy.CopyRows_management(merges[0], out_fc)[0] else: return arcpy.Merge_management(inputs=merges, output=out_fc)[0] else: if len(merges) == 0: return None elif len(merges) == 1: desc = arcpy.Describe(merges[0]) if hasattr(desc, 'shapeFieldName'): merged = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(merges[0], out_fc)[0] else: merged = arcpy.CopyRows_management(merges[0], out_fc)[0] else: merged = arcpy.Merge_management(inputs=merges, output=out_fc)[0] for m in merges: arcpy.Delete_management(m) del m return merged
[docs]def scratchFolder(): """ returns the scratch foldre """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") return arcpy.env.scratchFolder
[docs]def scratchGDB(): """ returns the arcpy scratch file geodatabase """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") return env.scratchGDB
[docs]def getDateFields(fc): """ Returns a list of fields that are of type DATE Input: fc - feature class or table path Output: List of date field names as strings """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") return [ for field in arcpy.ListFields(fc, field_type="Date")]
[docs]def insert_rows(fc, features, fields, includeOIDField=False, oidField=None): """ inserts rows based on a list features object """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") icur = None if includeOIDField: arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "FSL_OID", "LONG") fields.append("FSL_OID") if len(features) > 0: fields.append("SHAPE@") workspace = os.path.dirname(fc) with arcpy.da.Editor(workspace) as edit: date_fields = getDateFields(fc) icur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc, fields) for feat in features: row = [""] * len(fields) drow = feat.asRow[0] dfields = feat.fields for field in fields: if field in dfields or \ (includeOIDField and field == "FSL_OID"): if field in date_fields: row[fields.index(field)] = toDateTime(drow[dfields.index(field)]) elif field == "FSL_OID": row[fields.index("FSL_OID")] = drow[dfields.index(oidField)] else: row[fields.index(field)] = drow[dfields.index(field)] del field row[fields.index("SHAPE@")] = feat.geometry icur.insertRow(row) del row del drow del dfields del feat del features icur = None del icur del fields return fc else: return fc
[docs]def create_feature_class(out_path, out_name, geom_type, wkid, fields, objectIdField): """ creates a feature class in a given gdb or folder """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True field_names = [] fc =arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(out_path=out_path, out_name=out_name, geometry_type=lookUpGeometry(geom_type), spatial_reference=arcpy.SpatialReference(wkid))[0] for field in fields: if field['name'] != objectIdField: field_names.append(field['name']) arcpy.AddField_management(out_path + os.sep + out_name, field['name'], lookUpFieldType(field['type'])) return fc, field_names
[docs]def lookUpGeometry(geom_type): """ converts ArcRest API geometry name to Python names Input: geom_type - string - name of geometry Output: name of python geometry type for create feature class function """ if geom_type == "esriGeometryPoint": return "POINT" elif geom_type == "esriGeometryPolygon": return "POLYGON" elif geom_type == "esriGeometryLine": return "POLYLINE" else: return "POINT"
[docs]def lookUpFieldType(field_type): """ Converts the ArcGIS REST field types to Python Types Input: field_type - string - type of field as string Output: Python field type as string """ if field_type == "esriFieldTypeDate": return "DATE" elif field_type == "esriFieldTypeInteger": return "LONG" elif field_type == "esriFieldTypeSmallInteger": return "SHORT" elif field_type == "esriFieldTypeDouble": return "DOUBLE" elif field_type == "esriFieldTypeString": return "TEXT" elif field_type == "esriFieldTypeBlob": return "BLOB" elif field_type == "esriFieldTypeSingle": return "FLOAT" elif field_type == "esriFieldTypeRaster": return "RASTER" elif field_type == "esriFieldTypeGUID": return "GUID" elif field_type == "esriFieldTypeGlobalID": return "TEXT" else: return "TEXT"
[docs]def toDateTime(unix_timestamp): """converts a unix time stamp to a datetime object """ unix_timestamp = unix_timestamp/1000 return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_timestamp)
#---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _unicode_convert(obj): """ converts unicode to anscii """ if isinstance(obj, dict): return {_unicode_convert(key): \ _unicode_convert(value) \ for key, value in obj.items()} elif isinstance(obj, list): return [_unicode_convert(element) for element in obj] elif isinstance(obj, unicode): return obj.encode('utf-8') else: return obj