Source code for arcrest.common.geometry

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import json
    import arcpy
    arcpyFound = True
    arcpyFound = False
import types

from .._abstract import abstract
def _date_handler(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
        return local_time_to_online(obj)
        return obj
[docs]class SpatialReference(abstract.AbstractGeometry): """ creates a spatial reference instance """ _wkid = None _wkt = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, wkid=None,wkt=None): """Constructor""" self._wkid = wkid self._wkt = wkt #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def wkid(self): """ get/set the wkid """ return self._wkid @wkid.setter def wkid(self, wkid): """ get/set the wkid """ self._wkid = wkid #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def wkt(self): """ get/set the wkt """ return self._wkt @wkt.setter def wkt(self, wkt): """ get/set the wkt """ self._wkt = wkt @property def asDictionary(self): """returns the wkid id for use in json calls""" if self._wkid == None and self._wkt is not None: return {"wkt": self._wkt} else: return {"wkid": self._wkid} #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def value(self): """returns the wkid id for use in json calls""" if self._wkid == None and self._wkt is not None: return {"wkt": self._wkt} else: return {"wkid": self._wkid}
[docs]class Point(abstract.AbstractGeometry): """ Point Geometry Inputs: coord - list of [X,Y] pair or arcpy.Point Object wkid - well know id of spatial references z - is the Z coordinate value m - m value """ _x = None _y = None _z = None _m = None _wkid = None _wkt = None _json = None _geom = None _dict = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, coord, wkid=None, wkt=None, z=None, m=None): """Constructor""" if isinstance(coord, list): self._x = float(coord[0]) self._y = float(coord[1]) elif arcpyFound and isinstance(coord, arcpy.Geometry): self._x = coord.centroid.X self._y = coord.centroid.Y self._z = coord.centroid.Z self._m = coord.centroid.M self._geom = coord.centroid self._wkid = wkid self._wkt = wkt if not z is None: self._z = float(z) if not m is None: self._m = m #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """ returns the object as a string """ return json.dumps(self.asDictionary, default=_date_handler) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def spatialReference(self): """returns the geometry spatial reference""" if self._wkid == None and self._wkt is not None: return {"wkt": self._wkt} else: return {"wkid": self._wkid} #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def type(self): """ returns the geometry type """ return "esriGeometryPoint" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asJSON(self): """ returns a geometry as JSON """ value = self._json if value is None: value = json.dumps(self.asDictionary, default=_date_handler) self._json = value return self._json #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asArcPyObject(self): """ returns the Point as an ESRI arcpy.Point object """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") return arcpy.AsShape(self.asDictionary, True) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asDictionary(self): """ returns the object as a python dictionary """ # template = {"x" : self._x, "y" : self._y, "spatialReference" : self.spatialReference } if not self._z is None: template['z'] = self._z if not self._m is None: template['z'] = self._m return template #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asList(self): """ returns a Point value as a list of [x,y,<z>,<m>] """ base = [self._x, self._y] if not self._z is None: base.append(self._z) elif not self._m is None: base.append(self._m) return base #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def X(self): """ gets the X coordinate """ return self._x #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @X.setter def X(self, value): """sets the X coordinate""" if isinstance(value, (int, float, long, types.NoneType)): self._x = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def Y(self): """ gets the Y Coordinate """ return self._y #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Y.setter def Y(self, value): """ sets the Y coordinate """ if isinstance(value, (int, float, long, types.NoneType)): self._y = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def Z(self): """ gets the Z Coordinate """ return self._z #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @Z.setter def Z(self, value): """ sets the Z coordinate """ if isinstance(value, (int, float, long, types.NoneType)): self._z = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def wkid(self): """ gets the wkid """ return self._wkid #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @wkid.setter def wkid(self, value): """ sets the wkid """ if isinstance(value, (int, long)): self._wkid = value #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def wkt(self): """ get/set the wkt """ return self._wkt @wkt.setter def wkt(self, wkt): """ get/set the wkt """ self._wkt = wkt
[docs]class MultiPoint(abstract.AbstractGeometry): """ Implements the ArcGIS JSON MultiPoint Geometry Object """ _geom = None _json = None _dict = None _wkid = None _wkt = None _points = None _hasZ = False _hasM = False #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, points, wkid=None, wkt=None, hasZ=False, hasM=False): """Constructor""" if isinstance(points, list): self._points = points elif arcpyFound and isinstance(points, arcpy.Geometry): self._points = self.__geomToPointList(points) self._wkid = wkid self._wkt = wkt self._hasZ = hasZ self._hasM = hasM #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __geomToPointList(self, geom): """ converts a geometry object to a common.Geometry object """ if arcpyFound and isinstance(geom, arcpy.Multipoint): feature_geom = [] fPart = [] for part in geom: fPart = [] for pnt in part: fPart.append(Point(coord=[pnt.X, pnt.Y], wkid=geom.spatialReference.factoryCode, z=pnt.Z, m=pnt.M)) feature_geom.append(fPart) return feature_geom #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def spatialReference(self): """returns the geometry spatial reference""" if self._wkid == None and self._wkt is not None: return {"wkt": self._wkt} else: return {"wkid": self._wkid} #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def type(self): """ returns the geometry type """ return "esriGeometryMultipoint" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asJSON(self): """ returns a geometry as JSON """ value = self._json if value is None: value = json.dumps(self.asDictionary, default=_date_handler) self._json = value return self._json #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asArcPyObject(self): """ returns the Point as an ESRI arcpy.MultiPoint object """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") return arcpy.AsShape(self.asDictionary, True) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asDictionary(self): """ returns the object as a python dictionary """ # value = self._dict if value is None: template = { "hasM" : self._hasM, "hasZ" : self._hasZ, "points" : [], "spatialReference" : self.spatialReference } for pt in self._points: template['points'].append(pt.asList) self._dict = template return self._dict
[docs]class Polyline(abstract.AbstractGeometry): """ Implements the ArcGIS REST API Polyline Object Inputs: paths - list - list of lists of Point objects wkid - integer - well know spatial reference id hasZ - boolean - hasM - boolean - """ _paths = None _wkid = None _wkt = None _json = None _dict = None _geom = None _hasZ = None _hasM = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, paths, wkid=None,wkt=None, hasZ=False, hasM=False): """Constructor""" if isinstance(paths, list): self._paths = paths elif arcpyFound and isinstance(paths, arcpy.Geometry): self._paths = self.__geomToPointList(paths) self._wkid = wkid self._wkt = wkt self._hasM = hasM self._hasZ = hasZ #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __geomToPointList(self, geom): """ converts a geometry object to a common.Geometry object """ if arcpyFound and isinstance(geom, arcpy.Polyline): feature_geom = [] fPart = [] wkt = None wkid = None for part in geom: fPart = [] for pnt in part: if geom.spatialReference is None: if self._wkid is None and self._wkt is not None: wkt = self._wkt else: wkid = self._wkid else: wkid = geom.spatialReference.factoryCode fPart.append(Point(coord=[pnt.X, pnt.Y], wkid=wkid, wkt=wkt, z=pnt.Z, m=pnt.M)) feature_geom.append(fPart) return feature_geom #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def spatialReference(self): """returns the geometry spatial reference""" if self._wkid == None and self._wkt is not None: return {"wkt": self._wkt} else: return {"wkid": self._wkid} #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def type(self): """ returns the geometry type """ return "esriGeometryPolyline" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asJSON(self): """ returns a geometry as JSON """ value = self._json if value is None: value = json.dumps(self.asDictionary, default=_date_handler) self._json = value return self._json #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asArcPyObject(self): """ returns the Polyline as an ESRI arcpy.Polyline object """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") return arcpy.AsShape(self.asDictionary, True) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asDictionary(self): """ returns the object as a python dictionary """ value = self._dict if value is None: template = { "hasM" : self._hasM, "hasZ" : self._hasZ, "paths" : [], "spatialReference" : self.spatialReference } for part in self._paths: lpart = [] for pt in part: lpart.append(pt.asList) template['paths'].append(lpart) del lpart self._dict = template return self._dict
[docs]class Polygon(abstract.AbstractGeometry): """ Implements the ArcGIS REST JSON for Polygon Object """ _rings = None _wkid = None _wkt = None _json = None _dict = None _geom = None _hasZ = None _hasM = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, rings, wkid=None,wkt=None, hasZ=False, hasM=False): """Constructor""" if isinstance(rings, list): self._rings = rings elif arcpyFound and isinstance(rings, arcpy.Geometry): self._rings = self.__geomToPointList(rings) ## self._json = rings.JSON ## self._dict = _unicode_convert(json.loads(self._json)) self._wkid = wkid self._wkt = wkt self._hasM = hasM self._hasZ = hasZ #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __geomToPointList(self, geom): """ converts a geometry object to a common.Geometry object """ sr = geom.spatialReference wkid = None wkt = None if sr is None: if self._wkid is None and self._wkt is not None: wkt = self._wkt else: wkid = self._wkid else: wkid = sr.factoryCode g = json.loads(geom.JSON) top = [] for gring in g['rings']: ring = [] for g in gring: ring.append(Point(coord=g, wkid=wkid, wkt=wkt, z=None, m=None)) top.append(ring) return top #if isinstance(geom, arcpy.Polygon): #feature_geom = [] #fPart = [] #for part in geom: #fPart = [] #for pnt in part: #if geom.spatialReference is None: #wkid = self._wkid #else: #wkid = geom.spatialReference.factoryCode #fPart.append(Point(coord=[pnt.X, pnt.Y], #wkid=wkid, #z=pnt.Z, m=pnt.M)) #feature_geom.append(fPart) #return feature_geom #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def spatialReference(self): """returns the geometry spatial reference""" if self._wkid == None and self._wkt is not None: return {"wkt": self._wkt} else: return {"wkid": self._wkid} #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def type(self): """ returns the geometry type """ return "esriGeometryPolygon" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asJSON(self): """ returns a geometry as JSON """ value = self._json if value is None: value = json.dumps(self.asDictionary, default=_date_handler) self._json = value return self._json #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asArcPyObject(self): """ returns the Polyline as an ESRI arcpy.Polyline object """ if arcpyFound == False: raise Exception("ArcPy is required to use this function") return arcpy.AsShape(self.asDictionary, True) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asDictionary(self): """ returns the object as a python dictionary """ value = self._dict if value is None: template = { "hasM" : self._hasM, "hasZ" : self._hasZ, "rings" : [], "spatialReference" : self.spatialReference } for part in self._rings: lpart = [] for pt in part: if isinstance(pt, list): lpart.append(pt) elif isinstance(pt, Point): lpart.append(pt.asList) template['rings'].append(lpart) del lpart self._dict = template return self._dict
[docs]class Envelope(abstract.AbstractGeometry): """ An envelope is a rectangle defined by a range of values for each coordinate and attribute. It also has a spatialReference field. The fields for the z and m ranges are optional. """ _json = None _dict = None _geom = None _xmin = None _ymin = None _zmin = None _mmin = None _xmax = None _ymax = None _zmax = None _mmax = None _wkid = None _wkt = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, wkid=None, wkt=None, zmin=None, zmax=None, mmin=None, mmax=None): """Constructor""" self._xmin = xmin self._ymin = ymin self._zmin = zmin self._mmin = mmin self._xmax = xmax self._ymax = ymax self._zmax = zmax self._mmax = mmax self._wkid = wkid self._wkt = wkt #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def spatialReference(self): """returns the geometry spatial reference""" if self._wkid == None and self._wkt is not None: return {"wkt": self._wkt} else: return {"wkid": self._wkid} #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def type(self): """ returns the geometry type """ return "esriGeometryEnvelope" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asDictionary(self): """ returns the envelope as a dictionary """ template = { "xmin" : self._xmin, "ymin" : self._ymin, "xmax" : self._xmax, "ymax" : self._ymax, "spatialReference" : self.spatialReference } if self._zmax is not None and \ self._zmin is not None: template['zmin'] = self._zmin template['zmax'] = self._zmax if self._mmin is not None and \ self._mmax is not None: template['mmax'] = self._mmax template['mmin'] = self._mmin return template #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def value(self): """ returns the envelope as a dictionary """ template = { "xmin" : self._xmin, "ymin" : self._ymin, "xmax" : self._xmax, "ymax" : self._ymax, "spatialReference" : self.spatialReference } if self._zmax is not None and \ self._zmin is not None: template['zmin'] = self._zmin template['zmax'] = self._zmax if self._mmin is not None and \ self._mmax is not None: template['mmax'] = self._mmax template['mmin'] = self._mmin return template #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """returns object as string""" return self.asJSON #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asJSON(self): """ returns a geometry as JSON """ value = self._json if value is None: value = json.dumps(self.asDictionary, default=_date_handler) self._json = value return self._json #---------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def asArcPyObject(self): """ returns the Envelope as an ESRI arcpy.Polygon object """ env = self.asDictionary ring = [[ Point(env['xmin'], env['ymin'], self._wkid), Point(env['xmax'], env['ymin'], self._wkid), Point(env['xmax'], env['ymax'], self._wkid), Point(env['xmin'], env['ymax'], self._wkid) ]] return Polygon(rings=ring, wkid=self._wkid, wkt=self._wkid, hasZ=False, hasM=False).asArcPyObject